Copyright Stephen Swailes.

Only material containing personal names is included, administrative material relating to the county is not included.

State PaperImage Date Placenames Content
SP12/80Link 1571 Memorandum that according to the tenor of her Majesty's Privy Council's (letters) unto us in that behalf ___ we have had straight and diligent watch at the times appointed in the same (letters) through out all the hundreds in our quarter of the shire and in the same several watches we have taken these vagabonds and beggars whose names hereafter (written) all which we punished by stocking with sharp and (severe) whipping according to the Statute in that behalf provided.
SP12/80Link 1571 Althorp, Ascot, Wicken?, Woodend, Cotton End, Montgomeryshire First in Althroppe the 22nd August, Margerie Perrys wife of one Water ap Powell born in Ascott in Oxfordshire and dwelleth last in Wyk and she is sent to Ascott in county Oxford. In Woodend the 22nd August Richard Person and Thomas his daughter's son were sent to d__ to their dwelling place. Item in Cotton End the same day & ____ Perrys, Thomas Rychard of Demok in county Gloucester & John his brother of the same, Edward Davids of Mongomery shire born in new town. Bayse Pollard of London taken in Cotton End. Item in Byfield the same day, Marie Ashly, John Wagstaff, Christopher Osborn, John Fetherlay. Signed: Ed Fermor, Ri: Knyghtley.
SP12/81Link 1571 To the good lords of the Privy Council re sturdy beggers etc in Northants taken at the 2nd watch kept the 12th September 1571:
SP12/81Link 1571 Polebrook, Derby Thomas Hatherleye taken at Polebrooke and there punished by stocking and whippping and by passport dismissed and sent from constable to constable to the town of Derby where he says he was born.
SP12/81Link 1571 Polebrook, Malpas John Richard taken at Polebrooke and stocked and whipped and sent with passport to Malpasse in the county of Chester where he says he was born;
SP12/81Link 1571 Bulwick, Hillmorton Robert Richardson and Margeret his wife were taken at Bullwike and stocked and whipped and by passport sent to Hillmourton in the country of Warwick;
SP12/81Link 1571 Bulwick, Warwick Elizabeth Baylers taken at Bullwike and there stocked and whipped and sent by passport to Warwick where she says she was born.
SP12/81Link 1571 Bulwick, Kingsclere Agnes Couke taken at Bullwike and stocked and whipped and sent by passport to Kings Cleire in Hampshire;
SP12/81Link 1571 Bulwick, Foxton Henry Dawbie taken in Bullwike and stocked and whipped and by passport sent to Foxton in county Leicester;
SP12/81Link 1571 Signed: Edmund Brudenell, Edmund Ellmes, George Lynne.
SP12/81Link 1571 Daventry Vagabonds taken within the hundred of Fawley brought to Daventree and there whipped according to the Statute the 13th day of October 1571:
SP12/81Link 1571 Daventry, Pembrokeshire, Haverfordwest Davie Evanns born in Westharford in the county of Pembrooke and Katherine his wife;
SP12/81Link 1571 Daventry Marie Gilbarts born in (Cawelts) in Essex;
SP12/81Link 1571 Daventry Elizabeth Watson dwelling at (_otto_) in the county of (Warwick);
SP12/81Link 1571 Daventry, Napton Isabell Rollins born in Napton in county Warwick;
SP12/81Link 1571 Daventry, Ashborne Margarit Blauncharde borne in Ashborne in county Stafford;
SP12/81Link 1571 All of which were diverted from constable to constable by several passports to the place above written where they where last inhabiting for 3 years and born. Signed: Thomas Spencer.
SP12/81Link 1571 To the honourable and very good Lords of the Privy Council re vagabonds etc in our division and such that were found and punished by stocking and whipping as follows:
SP12/81Link 1571 Weldon, Exeter Rogues taken in the hundred of Corby; Richard Adlam and Janne his wife were apprehended at (Weldon) the 13th of October and there punished and sent by passport to Exceter in Devonshire where he said they last dwelled,
SP12/81Link 1571 Weldon, St Ives Phenipe Islington apprehended at Weldon and there punished by stocking and whipping and sent to St ives in the county of Huntingdon where he says he was born,
SP12/81Link 1571 Stoke Doyle In the hundred of Navisford, Thomas Addington apprehended at Stookedoile being a poore lame man was there punished.
SP12/81Link 1571 Lilford In the hundred of Huxloe, Elizabeth Gryme widow having two children was taken at Lyleforde and there punished. Signed: Edmund Brudenell, Edmund Elmes, George Lynne.
SP12/81Link 1571 13th October 1571. The certificate of vagabonds, rogues and idle persons and masterless men taken and brought before us Sir John Spencer and John Wake esquire to the town of Northampton and punished according to the laws provided:
SP12/81Link 1571 Dallington Newbottle Grove hundred, Edward Greves taken at Dallington and licenced to go to 'Westheshr' to his brother;
SP12/81Link 1571 Dallington Newbottle Grove hundred, Peter Smithe taken there and licenced to Blandford in (A___ttshire) where he was born;
SP12/81Link 1571 Brampton Evan Apparrice taken at Brampton and licenced to Cardingganshire to Aburdovy where he was born;
SP12/81Link 1571 Brampton Newbottle Grove hundred, Joan (Wodle) taken there and licenced to kent to Goodhurste where she was born;
SP12/81Link 1571 Brampton Newbottle Grove hundred, Robert Berreter shepard taken there and a masterless man discharged;
SP12/81Link 1571 Stoke Bruern Newbottle Grove hundred, Margarett Bankman and Elizabeth (Carie) taken at Stoke Bruerne and so licenced to London;
SP12/81Link 1571 Alderton Cleyley hundred, John Evans taken at Alderton and licenced to Prestdon in Radnoreshire
SP12/81Link 1571 Roade Cleyley hundred, William Stele taken at Roode and licenced to Cambridge where his most abiding hath been;
SP12/81Link 1571 Spelhoe hundred, none listed.
SP12/81Link 1571 Hackleton Wymersley hundred, Agnes Elliott taken at Hackleton and licenced to London where she was born. Signed: John Spencer.
SP12/81Link 1571 The certificate of Sir John Spencer knight.
SP12/86Link 1572 To the right honourable my very good Lords the Lords of the Queens' Majesty's most honourale Privy Council be this. 23 April 1572 Certificate of rogues and vagabonds of the county of Northampton.
SP12/86Link 1572 Rothwell, East Farndon The names of all and every vagabond, rogue and sturdy beggar taken in the hundred of Rothwell punished according to the laws in that case provided the 27th and 28th of March. Rothwell; Thomas Judge, Thomas Dyson, Annis Dawson, Thomas Sharples. Farndon; John Gryffyn, Thomas Cooper, Phillipe Hollawaye, Annis Symson, Elyzabeth Twe. Signed: John Osborne.
SP12/86Link 1572 Kettering The certificate of all vagabonds taken with the hundreds of Huxloe, Corby, Higham Ferrers and Hamfordshoe in the east part of the county brought before William Vax Lord Harrodon and Edward Mountagu being at Kettering and there punished according to the laws the 28th of March.
SP12/86Link 1572 Geddington George Croftes and Anne his wife with a small child taken at Geddington and punished at Kettering.
SP12/86Link 1572 Braunston, Weekley Fraunces Morris taken at Wickley and punished at Kettering and sent to Brawnston where he was born.
SP12/86Link 1572 Weston by Welland Fraunces Tatom taken at Weston and punished at Kettering and send to London where he last dwelled.
SP12/86Link 1572 Weston by Welland William London taken at Weston and sent to ___ where he dwells.
SP12/86Link 1572 Lowick, Chepstow Thomas Dod and Margret his wife taken at Luffwick punished at Kettering and sent to Chepstok in Monmouth where he last dwelled.
SP12/86Link 1572 Rothwell Margret Whiting taken at Kettering with her child and punished and sent to Rothwell where she was born.
SP12/86Link 1572 Lowick, Peterborough Kateryn Hollam taken at Luffwick and punished at Kettering and sent to Peterburgh
SP12/86Link 1572 Wellingborough, Milton Richard Marshall taken at Wellingborough and sent to Milton in the county of Bedfordshire.
SP12/86Link 1572 Vagabonds taken in the hundreds of Fawsley, Newbottle Grove and Guilsborough in the west part of the county and brought before me Thomas Spencer esquire to Daventry and there punished as (strong) vagabonds the 28th March 1572.
SP12/86Link 1572 Bridgenorth Thomas Wever born at Bridgenorth in the county of Salop.
SP12/86Link 1572 Market Harborough? Richard Wheet born at Harborowe in the county of Northamtpon.
SP12/86Link 1572 Rockingham (John or Joan) Horsley born at Rockingham in the county of Northampton.
SP12/86Link 1572 Warwick Elizabeth Jones born in the town of Warrwicke.
SP12/86Link 1572 Offchurch Marie Smythe born at Offechurche in the county of Warwick.
SP12/86Link 1572 Knole George Darneton born at Knole in the county of Warwick.
SP12/86Link 1572 Monks Kirby Water Weston and (Alice) his wife born at ___ in Munkeskirbie parish in the county of Warwick
SP12/86Link 1572 Brington Richard Archer born at Brington in county Northampton.
SP12/86Link 1572 Hawnton ? Elizabeth Kinge born at Hawnton in the county of Worcester.
SP12/86Link 1572 Lubbenham Elizabeth Oliver born at Lubnam in the county of Leicester.
SP12/86Link 1572 All which vagabonds above named were directed and ___ted after due punishment done to them to the several places by several passports where they were last inhabiting and born as (appears). Signed: Thomas Spencer.
SP12/118Link 1577 Northampton A true and perfect certificate of all taverns, inns and alehouses in the town of Northampton taken by (Wm) Raynfforde mayor of the said town the first day of November the 19th year of the reign of our most gracious Sovereign Lady Elizabeth as follows:
SP12/118Link 1577 Northampton Keepers of taverns; Henrye Wandley, William Mirrey, John Damporte, Henrye Blande, William Ranfford mayor.
SP12/118Link 1577 Northampton Innkeepers; Richard Saunders, Richard Wylkynson, William Younge, John Damporte, John Blythe, Robert Meire, John Hatter, John Lowicke, Hugh Broke, Robert (Berneoi), Richard Marryott, Fraunces (Morley), Richard Miller, Thomas Latham, Lawraunce Marshe, Thomas Marcer, John Webster
SP12/118Link 1577 Northampton Alehouse keepers; Thomas Onley, William Burges, Thomas Burche, Thomas Harbearde, Robert Barnarde, Thomas Smythe
SP12/118Link 1577 Northampton (Alehouse keepers); James Mace, Robert Dukeson, Kateryn Oldam, William Butler, Agnes Holmes, Thomas Wendor, Hugh Oldham, (Henrye) Stubbes, Thomas Homan, Robert Blumeley, William Warde, William Wattes, Robert Rymyll, Emme Harrison, William Graunger, John Addams, Raffe Younge, Henrye Basse, John Aparke, Raffe Gurley, John Barnell, Edward Armitage, Edward Warren, John Procktor, William Woodwarde, John Fletcher, Agnes Husbands, John Harrison, Christopher Knyght, Fraunces (Basse), Robert Bradfield, Henrye Hollys, (Leonard Hamston).
SP12/118Link 1577 Kettering Memorandum re taverns and alehouses in Northampton and the general muster, Keteringe the 2nd December 1577. Followed by; May it please your honours further to understand that those persons whose names be hereunder written do refuse to contribute towards the charges of the calyvas within the said county; George Fermor esquire, Robert Stuttesburie, Stephen Boyle, John Pyckeringe, James Pyckeringe, Thomas Lawe. Several signatures follow including; Edmund Brudenell, Edward Onley, E Montagu, __ Watson, John Wake, Thomas Wattes, John Isham, George Carleton.
SP12/118Link 1577 To the right honourable our very good Lords the Lords of the Queen's Majesty's most honourable Privy Council. 2 November 1577 Northamptonshire. The Commissioners for the general muster certifying their doings. The number of inns, taverns alehouses. Certain that refuse to contribute towards the training of (shots). Inns 300, taverns 8, alehouses 400.
SP12/118Link 1577 Muster certificate, contains a table showing for each hundred the number of different men and weapons mustered with various sum totals. The table is spread over several images.
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SP12/118Link 1577 The names of the captains and other officers appointed within the said county be these, namely: George Fermer, Edward Cape, [blank] Dormer, Samuell Davers, John Worley, Edwarde Gryffyn, John Stafforde, Symon Norwiche, Edward Hasilwood, Richard Purefey. Signatures on the certificate include; Edward Brudenell, Edward Onley, George Carleton, __ Watson, E. Montagu, Thomas Wattes.
SP12/118Link 1577 November 1577 Certificate of the general Musters for the county of Northampton.