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HtmlPedigree Help Page : Text version

The main text entries relate to individuals and to family groups. There may also be text items giving details of sources, record repositories, notes and so on.

The entry for each individual begins with links to family groups with which he or she was associated, as either a child or a parent. Similarly, the entry for each family group begins with links to family members - father, mother and children. The entries may also contain other links to additional information, or to other individuals and families. In each case, the information is displayed when the link is clicked.

A set of indexes is available, including indexes to entries for individuals arranged alphabetically by name and by surname.

Search links will also be available on the home page, if the site's owner has enabled the search facility.

If the browser can display the framed text version and the full version of the web pages, appropriate links are present at the top of each page. Another link returns the user to the plain text version.