Some corrections and additions to the Complete Peerage: Volume 7: Lincoln


See also "proposed" section

Volume 7, pages 671, 672:
He [William (de Roumare), Earl of Lincoln (d. c. 1198)] m., 1stly, Alice, whose parentage is unknown.(l) He m., 2ndly, Philippe, da. of Jean I, COUNT OF ALEN�ON, by Beatrice, da. of Helie D'ANJOU, COUNT OF MAINE, and Philippe DE PERCHE.
Page 671, note l:
She is mentioned in a charter to Spalding (Harl. MS. 742, f. 278 d).

According to a papal document of 1191-92, William had previously been married to another woman, but she had obtained an annulment of the marriage on the grounds of consanguinity from Richard, Archbishop of Canterbury [1174-1884]. She had remarried to a certain nobleman, and William had himself remarried, but was now troubled by his conscience because he had not opposed the annulment, despite never believing that there was any consanguinity between the couple [Walther Holtzmann, ed., Papal Decretals relating to the Diocese of Lincoln in the Twelfth Century, pp. 56, 57 (1954)].

[This evidence was provided by Douglas Richardson in November 2004.
Item last updated: 21 February 2005.]

Volume 7, chart pedigree on page 677:
John "Monoculus" = ....
[had issue:] Payn, ? 2nd son. = ....
[and Payn had issue:] Cicely = Roger (of Gloucester), Earl of Hereford.
[John also had issue:] Eustace FitzJohn, d. 1157.
[who had issue by his first wife, Beatrice de Vesci] A son, took the name of Vesci.

Other articles in The Complete Peerage include additions and corrections to this pedigree:

  1. The description of John as one-eyed (monoculus) comes from Dugdale's Baronage, citing Glover's collections, but according to contemporary sources it was his son Eustace who was one-eyed (luscus or monoculus) [vol. 12, part 2, p. 11].
  2. In the article on Vescy, it is argued that Payn was probably John's first son and heir [vol. 12, part 2, p. 279, note e].
  3. Payn's wife was Sibyl "de Lacy", heiress of the honour of Lacy.
  4. In addition to Cicely (who married at least three times), Payn and Sibyl had a daughter Agnes, who married (1) Warin de Munchensy and (2) Haldenald de Bidun [vol. 9, p. 419; vol. 12, part 2, p. 271, note i].
  5. The son of Eustace who took the name Vesci was William de Vesci (d. 1183) [vol. 12, part 2, pp. 274. 275].

[Item last updated: 22 June 2003.]

Volume 7, page 689:
He [John de la Pole, Earl of Lincoln (d. 1487)] was in Henry's service up to the middle of 1486, when he fled to Flanders and took an active part in promoting the cause of Lambert Simnel there.

Lincoln did not flee to Flanders until March 1487, after attending a council summoned at Sheen in February. According to Polydore Vergil and the account known as the Heralds' Memoir, he left as soon as the council had been dismissed [Hay, The Anglica Historia of Polydore Vergil, pages 18 and 19 (1950); Cavell, The Heralds' memoir 1486-1490, page 109 (2009)], which according to another source was on 3 March [Davis, Paston letters and papers of the fifteenth century, volume 1, page 653 (1971)]. Consistently with this, the Heralds' Memoir adds that he reached Flanders by the beginning of Lent (7 March). But the Act of Attainder passed later than year gives the date of his flight as 19 March [Parliament Rolls of Medieval England (2005)].

[Item last updated: 25 June 2024.]

Volume 7, page 690:
He [Henry Brandon, Earl of Lincoln (d. 1534)] d. unm. and v.p., 8 Mar. 1534,(e) when the Earldom became extinct.
Note e:
Lisle Papers, vol. vii, p. 18, in a letter of John Rookwood "from the Courte, the 8th day of Marche," the internal evidence whereof shows the year to be 1534. See historical appendix to Miss E. S. Holt's Harvest of Yesterday.

Complete Peerage, vol. 12, part 1, p. 461, note b, corrects the date of his death to 1 March 1533/4, pointing out that the date of the letter has incorrectly been given as the date of death.

[Item last updated: 2 October 2003.]