Links to some useful societies and journals

The following is a list of links to pages with information about some historical and record societies
(not all are pages maintained by the societies themselves), and about some relevant journals.
National and Regional History lists contact details for some of these societies,
though the lists of publications are no longer available, as a result of the withdrawal of the Royal Historical Society Bibliography from free access.
Links to most present-day family Family History Societies are listed by the
Federation of Family History Societies.
A few with significant publications covering the medieval period are included below.
Lists of contents of many journals are available at the
Magazine Stacks
website, edited by Stuart Jenks (University College, London). Although the original emphasis was on German-language
material, the site includes a number of English language journals, and continues to expand.
For many, the coverage is complete; some relevant examples are listed below.
N.B. In the names of the societies,
archaeology often has the wider sense of 'the study of ancient things', but sometimes
has the more restricted modern meaning of 'digging things up'.
- American Genealogist: see The American Genealogist
- The Ancestor
- The Ancestor, number 1. (April 1902) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- The Ancestor, number 2. (July 1902) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- The Ancestor, number 3. (October 1902) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- The Ancestor, number 4. (Jan 1903) (Google Books [Hints and tips])
[Other copies at: Internet Archive - Text Archive: 1 ; 2 .]
- The Ancestor, number 5. (April 1903) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- The Ancestor, number 6. (July 1903) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- The Ancestor, number 7. (October 1903) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
[Other copies at: Internet Archive - Text Archive.]
- The Ancestor, number 8. (Jan 1904) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- The Ancestor, number 9. (April 1904) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
[Other copies at: Internet Archive - Text Archive.]
- The Ancestor, number 10. (July 1904) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- The Ancestor, number 11. (October 1904) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
[Other copies at: Internet Archive - Text Archive.]
- The Ancestor, number 12. (January 1905) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
[Other copies at: Internet Archive - Text Archive.]
- Anglo-Norman Studies (Boydell and Brewer)
The main subjects of all articles in vols 1-21 are indexed in the Online Library Catalogue and Reference Database (Foundation for Medieval Genealogy).
- Anglo-Norman Text Society
- Anglo-Saxon Charters
- Anglo-Saxon England (Cambridge University Press)
- Society of Antiquaries of London
Includes listings of publications.
- Society of Antiquaries of Scotland
Includes a list of publications in print.
- Archaeologia Aeliana - see Newcastle upon Tyne
- Archaeologia Cantiana (Kent Archaeological Society)
Online material from the journal, in progress. The contents pages and index volumes are already available, together with selected articles.
- Auctores Britannici Medii Aevi (British Academy)
- Bedford
Archaeological and Local History Society [formerly
at; not available, 24 May 2005; see the Internet Archive's
of this page, from October 2004]
- Bedfordshire Historical Record Society
Includes a list of publications in print
See also Some publications of the Bedfordshire Historical Record Society available online.
- Berkshire Archaeological Society
- Transactions of the Berkshire Archaeological and Architectural Society for 1879-1882 (as PDF files) are freely available through the Archaeology Data Service
- Berks, Bucks, and Oxon Archaeological Journal volumes 1-34 (as PDF files) are being made available through the Archaeology Data Service
- Berkshire Archaeological Journal volumes 35-76 (as PDF files) are being made available through the Archaeology Data Service
- Berkshire Record Society
- Birmingham and Warwickshire Archaeological Society
- Borthwick Institute of Historical Research - see Yorkshire
- Bristol Record Society
Includes online versions of the Society's published volumes (1930-2006).
- Bristol: see also Gloucestershire
- The British Academy
(see also Anglo-Saxon Charters, Auctores Britannici Medii Aevi, Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi,
English Episcopal Acta, Records of Social and Economic History)
- British Agricultural History Society
Includes the full text of all issues of the Agricultural History Review more than 5 years old, in PDF format.
- The British Archaeological Association
- British Association for Local History
Includes downloadable versions of the Association's publications, The Local Historian (and its predecessor The Amateur Historian) and Local History News.
- British Record Society
An online partial listing of the Index Library series has been written by Dave Nixon.
- British Records Association
- Journal of British Studies
(Cambridge University Press)
Lists of contents of vols 1-41 (1961-2002)
are available
at Magazine Stacks
- Buckinghamshire Archaeological Society
Includes a list of contents and a searchable index for Records of Buckinghamshire, with a number of articles available online.
- Buckinghamshire Record Society
The first 22 volumes of the Society's publications are available to download as PDF files.
- Cambridge Antiquarian Society
Includes contents lists for recent publication, and some sample articles (PDF files).
- Cambridge Historical Journal
Lists of contents of these two journals are available
at Magazine Stacks
- Canterbury and York Society
The Society has published about 50 medieval bishops' registers. The website includes a list of publications.
- Catholic Record Society
Includes listings of publications.
- Cheshire:
- Chester Archaeological Society
Includes a list of contents for the Society's journal, new series (1887 to date).
- The Church Monuments Society Includes lists of contents of the Society's journal, and a county-by-county listing (in progress) of sites with "interesting collections of monuments or, in some cases, one outstanding monument"
- Cornwall: Devon and Cornwall Record Society
Includes a list of publications (new and extra series).
- Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi: Medieval Stained Glass in Great Britain (British Academy)
Project to survey and publish medieval stained glass, in progress. The site includes a picture archive containing more than 25,000 images, and the text of a digital publication on the medieval stained glass of Norfolk, in preparation.
- Cumbria Past (Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society)
The site now includes online versions of the Society's Transactions, with a search facility. (Recent volumes are available only to members.)
- Derbyshire Archaeological Society
Includes a list of contents for the Derbyshire Archaeological Journal.
- Derbyshire Record Society
Includes a list of publications.
- Devon:
Devon and Cornwall Record Society
Includes a list of publications (new and extra series)
- Devonshire Association
The page on the Association's Transactions includes a searchable list of papers, abstracts of recent papers, and links to most volumes published between 1862 and 1920 at the Internet Archive.
- Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society
Includes a cumulative index to Society's Proceedings, from volume 1 (1876).
- Somerset and Dorset Notes and Queries 1890-1980 (Findmypast)
Page images with searchable text, available on a pay-per-view basis.
- Surtees Society
The society's website includes a listing of its publications.
- Records of Early English Drama (Centre for Research in Early English Drama, University of Toronto)
The REED Anglo-Latin Wordbook, in the process of compilation from the project's published collections, is available online.
- English Episcopal Acta (British Academy)
- English Historical Review (Oxford University Press)
Includes lists of contents. Volumes 1-37 (1886-1922) are available at the Internet Archive. There is a list of links to these volumes at the Online Books Page.
- English Place-Name Society
Includes lists of publications.
- Essays in History (University of Virginia) [not available, 25 February 2010; see the Internet Archive's copy of this page, from July 2008]
Electronic journal published annually, with occasional medieval papers
- Essays in Medieval Studies (West Virginia University Press)
Proceedings of the Illinois Medieval Association, volumes 1-17 (1984-2000).
- Essex Society for Archaeology and History (University of Essex)
Includes a page on the Society's publications, with lists of contents of the Transactions and links to online versions of articles.
- Foundation for Medieval Genealogy
Charitable foundation for research into pre-1500 genealogy; an annual fee is charged for access to its website, where the projects include Foundations, an annual journal of which volumes 1-3 are freely available online, and the Online Library Catalogue and Reference Database, a referenced database of medieval genealogy.
- Fragmenta Genealogica
Printed by Frederick Arthur Crisp. First series, volumes 1-13 (1889-1909) and new series, volume 1 (1910). See Volumes of Fragmenta Genealogica available online.
- The Genealogist (founded 1877)
An online index
to vols 1-7 has been produced by Beryl Thompson [not available, 25 February 2010; see the Internet Archive's copy of this page, from July 2008]
- The Genealogist (founded 1980)
Includes subscription information and lists of contents of recent issues
The main subjects of all medieval articles in The Genealogist are indexed in the Online Library Catalogue and Reference Database (Foundation for Medieval Genealogy).
- Society of Genealogists (London)
- Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society
Includes online access to the Society's Transactions, vols 1-124 (1876-2006), with an index to vols 1-120 (1876-2002), and other resources.
- Hakluyt Society (history of exploration and travel)
- Halifax Antiquarian Society
- Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society
Includes lists of contents and an index to the Society's publications.
- Harleian Society
Includes a list of publications, with links to copies available for sale - either originals or CDs.
- Haskins Society for Anglo-Saxon, Viking, Anglo-Norman and Angevin History
Lists of contents arranged by volume (also for vols 1-9) are available at Magazine Stacks.
- The Heraldry Society of Scotland
The main subjects of all articles in nos 1-28 (2005) of the Society's journal, The Double Tressure, are indexed in the Online Library Catalogue and Reference Database (Foundation for Medieval Genealogy).
- Hertfordshire Record Society
- William Brigg, ed., The Herts Genealogist and Antiquary. Volume 1. (1895) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Includes abstracts of Hertfordshire feet of fines, 1485-1568.
[Other copies at: Internet Archive - Text Archive: 1 ; 2 .]
- William Brigg, ed., The Herts Genealogist and Antiquary. Volume 2. (1897) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Includes abstracts of Hertfordshire feet of fines, 1568-1586.
[Other copies at: Internet Archive - Text Archive: 1 ; 2 .]
- William Brigg, ed., The Herts Genealogist and Antiquary. Volume 3. (1899) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Includes abstracts of Hertfordshire feet of fines, 1586-1603.
[Other copies at: Internet Archive - Text Archive: 1 ; 2 .]
- Hertfordshire: St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society
Includes online versions of the Society's Transactions (1883-1961) and other early publications.
- The Historical Journal
Lists of contents of these two journals are available
at Magazine Stacks
- Institute of Historical Research
On the publisher's website are tables of contents for all volumesof the Institute's journal, Historical Research.
- Jewish Historical Society
- Kent Archaeological Society
Contains a wealth of reference material, including contents lists, indexes and many papers from Archaeologia Cantiana, and other transcribed records and indexes.
- Lancashire:
- Lancaster: Lancaster Archaeological and Historical Society
Includes full text of articles published in the Society's journal, Contrebis, with indexes of subjects, placenames and personal names.
- Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society
Includes a PDF file containing indexes to the Society's Transactions for vols 1-20 and 21-73 (1855-2000), and PDF versions of the articles themselves up until four years before the present date (complete from volume 21 onwards).
- Lincoln Record Society
Includes listings of publications - out of print, in print and current
- Lincolnshire: The Society for
Lincolnshire History and Archaeology
- List and Index Society
Includes lists of the Society's publications, with a subject index
- Local History Online (The Local History Press Ltd)
Includes an extensive directory of links to local history and allied societies, sections on news, events and courses, and an online bookshop.
- The Lollard Society
Academic society for the study of the late-medieval religious Lollard movement. Includes bibliographies and online versions of out-of-copyright texts.
- London and Middlesex Archaeological Society
Includes a section on publications,
with searchable and browsable lists of contents
for vols 20-51 (1959/61-2000) of the Society's Transactions,
and for its Special Papers.
- The London Journal (Taylor and Francis Online)
Lists of contents, with previews and abstracts, from volume 1 (1975) onwards.
- London Medieval Society
Includes an online newsletter
- London Record Society
Includes a list of publications in print.
- London Topographical Society
- Malone Society (English Renaissance drama)
- Journal of Medieval History (Taylor and Francis)
Includes tables of contents and abstracts, vol. 1 (1975) to date
- Medieval People (formerly Medieval Prosopography) (Western Michigan University)
Searchable lists of contents are available.
- The Medieval Review (University of Michigan)
Electronic collection of reviews of work in medieval studies; formerly known as the Bryn Mawr Medieval Review.
- Middlesex:
London and Middlesex Archaeological Society
- Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica (31 vols, 1868-1938)
See Some volumes of Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica available online
- Monumental Brass Society
Includes a listing of recent publications, a bibliography and a library of more than 160 images
- Newcastle upon Tyne: Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne
Includes links to digitised versions of all but the most recent volumes of the Society's journal, Archaeologia Aeliana (from 1822), and all the volumes of its Proceedings (1855-1956)
- Norfolk Record Society
Includes full listings of the society's publications
- Northamptonshire Archaeological Society
- Northamptonshire Record Society
With a list of publications, including many on medieval Northamptonshire, and an index to the Society's journal Northamptonshire Past and Present. Many volumes are available for free download.
- Northern Genealogist
An online index
to vols 1-6 has been produced by Beryl Thompson [not available, 25 February 2010; see the Internet Archive's copy of this page, from July 2008]
- Northumberland:
- Surtees Society
The society's website includes a listing of its publications.
- Notes and Queries, original series, volume 1, to fourth series, volume 4 (1849-1869)
(Internet Library of Early Journals,
Bodleian Library, Oxford).
- Nottingham Medieval Studies Journal (The Institute of Medieval Studies, Nottingham University)
Includes Lists of contents of vols 1-52 (1957-2008).
- Nottinghamshire: Thoroton Society
Includes a searchable or downloadable
to the Society's publications, 1897-1997 and a
of the contents of the Record Series.
A number of articles from the Transactions are included in the collection of
articles on Nottinghamshire history and archaeology (Andy Nicholson,
Nottinghamshire History and Archaeology)
- Oxford Historical Society
Includes lists of the society's publications.
- Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society
On a separate site is an online archive of the Society's journal, Oxoniensia, with a full-text search facility.
- Oxfordshire Record Society
Includes a list of publications.
- Pipe Roll Society
An online listing of the publications has been written by Dave Nixon.
Prosopography Research (Oxford University) [not available, 26 June 2023; see the Internet Archive's copy of this page, from March 2023]
The site includes the Directory of Prosopographical Research, a listing of
current research projects, with some links to websites, arranged by time period
and geographical area.
Prosopon, Journal of the Prosopography Centre, University of Oxford.
- Ranulf Higden Society
Society providing encouragement and support for those transcribing and translating medieval Latin documents associated with Lancashire, Cheshire, Staffordshire and Derbyshire.
Records of Social and Economic History (British Academy)
- Rolls Series (Rerum Britannicarum medii aevi scriptores)
An official series of transcripts of medieval documents, in 99 multi-part volumes, published between 1858 and 1911.
An Index to the Rolls Series,
giving the titles and bibliographical details for each volume, annotated with
descriptions of the contents, has been compiled by Steven H. Silver
Another list of the contents,
more detailed in some respects, has been provided by Klaus van Eickels
of the University of Bamberg
Many volumes of the series are available in PDF format at
and can be found by choosing the "Catalogues" option
and entering "chronicles" in the "Sujet" field (Bibliothèque Nationale de France)
- Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts
(now part of The National Archives)
- Royal Historical Society
Includes lists of contents for the Camden Series, Transactions and the Society's other publications.
Lists of contents of the Transactions arranged by volume (vol. 1-6th series, vol. 10; 1872-2000) are available at Magazine Stacks.
- Rutland Local History and Record Society
Includes a list of contents of the Rutland Record, the Rutland Record Series and the society's occasional publications.
- The Scottish Genealogy Society
- Association for Scottish Literary Studies
- Selden Society
(legal history; includes a
list of publications)
See also Some publications of the Selden Society available online.
- Shropshire Archaeological and Historical Society
- The Shropshire Record Series (Research Institute for Social Sciences, Keele University)
List of volumes.
- Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society
Includes a full list of contents for the Society's Proceedings, a cumulative index from 1983 and online versions of articles published 1983-2013.
- Somerset and Dorset Notes and Queries 1890-1980 (Findmypast)
Page images with searchable text, available on a pay-per-view basis.
- Council for British Archaeology - South Midlands Region - Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Northamptonshire and Oxfordshire
(Council for British Archaeology)
Index to vols 1-37
- Staffordshire Archaeological and Historical Society
Includes lists of contents and indexes for the Society's Transactions, vols 1-44 (1959-2010).
- Staffordshire Record Society
Includes a list of publications
- Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History
Includes online versions of the Society's Proceedings (1853-2012), with a search facility.
- Suffolk Records Society
Includes lists of publications, some of which are freely available for download. For some other publications digital indexes are available.
- Surrey Archaeological Society
Includes lists of contents of recent volumes of Surrey Archaeological Collections
and other publications.
For the Society's journal, Surrey Archaeological Collections:
- Surrey Record Society
- West Surrey Family History Society
Includes a list of publications
- Surtees Society
The society's website includes a listing of all its publications, with links to online versions of volumes 1-162 (1855-1953).
- Sussex Archaeological Society
For the Society's journal, Sussex Archaeological Collections:
- Volumes 1-158 (1847-2020), together with other reports, articles and chapters, are freely available through the Archaeology Data Service
- Sussex Record Society Includes a list of publications, with online versions of some.
- The American Genealogist: TAG
Includes lists of contents of recent issues
- Thoresby Society (Leeds and district)
Includes a listing of publications "in print" (extending back to 1904!).
- Thoroton Society (Nottinghamshire)
Includes a searchable or downloadable
to the Society's publications, 1897-1997 and a
of the contents of the Record Series.
A number of articles from the Transactions are included in the collection of
articles on Nottinghamshire history and archaeology (Andy Nicholson,
Nottinghamshire History and Archaeology)
- Victoria History of the Counties of England (known as the Victoria County History, or V.C.H. for short)
- Warwickshire:
Birmingham and Warwickshire Archaeological
- Warwickshire: Dugdale Society
Includes a listing of publications.
- Cumbria Past (Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society)
The site now includes online versions of the Society's Transactions, with a search facility. (Recent volumes are available only to members.)
- Wiltshire Museum (Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society)
- Wiltshire Record Society
Includes many volumes of the Society's publications, and also of its newsletter, The Recorder.
- Yorkshire Archaeological and Historical Society
- Yorkshire: Borthwick Institute for Archives
Includes lists of Publications
- Yorkshire:Thoresby Society
(Leeds and district)
Includes a listing of publications "in print" (extending back to 1904!).