What was new on this site: July-September 2003

For the most recent additions, with links, see the
update page.
For brief details of the current quarter's additions, see
What's new on this site.
4 September 2003:
New material
In the main section of Some corrections and additions to the Complete Peerage,
the following items have been added:
AUDLEY or ALDITHLEY (Volume 1, page 347),
DERBY (County of) (correction concerning the Sibyl de Ferrers of 1228) and
SAINT JOHN otherwise SAINT JOHN OF BASING (Volume 11, pages 320, 321).
In the "proposed" section the following items have been added:
BERKELEY (Volume 2, page 130 (as modified by volume 14)),
FERRERS OF CHARTLEY (Volume 5, page 324),
FIFE (Volume 5, page 373 (as modified by volume 14)),
LINCOLN (Volume 7, page 672),
MAR or MARR (Volume 8, page 403 and note e (as modified by volume 14)),
MARCH [England] (Volume 8, page 441 and note c),
NEVILLE (of Raby) (Volume 9, page 502c),
SOMERY (Volume 12, part 1, page 110 (as modified by volume 14) and note g),
STAFFORD (Volume 12, part 1, page 177 and note c) and
WARWICK (Volume 12, part 2, pages 363-365; additional evidence supporting revised genealogy).
New links
- A brief guide to medieval English genealogy:
- Church records:
Durham Liber Vitae Project (University of Durham/King's College, London)
Project - still at an early stage - to produce a digital edition of a medieval list
of those commemorated at Durham Cathedral Priory. The website already includes a
useful set of
relating to this and similar documents
- Miscellaneous:
Florilegium Urbanum
(Stephen Alsford, Medieval English Towns)
A collection of contemporary texts in English translation,
illustrating medieval urban life
- Medieval source material on the Internet:
- County and local history:
- North Baddesley [Hampshire] (Sandra Smith)
A site devoted to the history of the village, including the text of the Domesday survey and notes,
a brief account of the Knights Hospitallers, a manorial survey of 1338, lay subsidy assessments of
1586, 1589, 1590, 1594 and 1598 and a list of PCC wills
- A. F. Kendrick, The Cathedral Church of Lincoln
(1928 edn) (Bill Thayer)
Much of the emphasis is architectural, but the text includes notes on the history of the cathedral,
material on funeral monuments, and a list of bishops with brief biographical notes
- Extracts from
Historical gazetteer
of London before the Great Fire (British History Online)
A sample of 14 entries for Cheapside, from the work by D. J. Keene and Vanessa Harding (1987)
giving a detailed history of each property from the 12th to the late 17th centuries
- Historical works on Andy Nicholson's
History and Archaeology website:
- Rodolph Baron von Hube,
Griseleia in Snotinghscire [Greasley] (1901)
- Percy G. Whatnall, ed.,
with Old Nottingham - Historical notes by J. Holland Walker (1928)
- Miscellaneous
articles on Nottinghamshire history and archaeology
A collection of articles, in progress, mainly from the Transactions of the
Thoroton Society and John Throsby's 1790 edition of Thoroton's History of
- John Shadrach Piercy,
History of Retford (1828)
- Robert White,
Worksop, the Dukery, and Sherwood Forest (1875)
- Histories of medieval towns and cities, from Stephen Alsford's
Medieval English Towns website:
- Colchester,
- Ipswich,
- King's Lynn,
There is also a collection of about 80 brief
of inhabitants of King's Lynn in the 14th and 15th centuries
- Maldon,
- Norfolk,
- Great Yarmouth,
- York
- Text from the Victoria County History,
on the British History Online website:
- City of Oxford
From the Victoria County History of Oxfordshire, volume 4 (1979)
- Great Tew,
From the Victoria County History of Oxfordshire, volume 11 (1983)
- Westminster,
- Woodstock,
From the Victoria County History of Oxfordshire, volume 12 (1990)
- Taxation and other lists:
Subsidy Roll 1319 - Cheap ward [London]
(British History Online)
List of names with detailed notes, extracted from Eilbert Ekwall,
Two Early London Subsidy Rolls (1951)
- Miscellaneous public records:
House of
Commons Journal Volume 1 (British History Online)
The official minute book of the House of Commons, covering 1547-1629
- Parish records:
Middlesex England Parish Records
(Sandy Coleman/Ryan Henrie, United Kingdom Genealogy)
Extensive database compiled from published marriage registers,
including entries from the period 1563-1895
- Miscellaneous:
Just over 30 biographical
abstracts from Sylvia L. Thrupp, The Merchant Class of Medieval
London (1948) (British History Online)
- Monumental brasses on the Internet:
[?]William Frith (c. 1386): Shottesbrooke, Berkshire
(photograph and description)
(Monumental Brass Society Brass
of the month for August 2003)
- Links:
- General links:
Leo's Genealogics Website
(Leo van de Pas)
An extensive genealogical database containing more than 400,000 persons.
Much of the emphasis is on medieval ancestry, as well as on modern royalty and nobility.
The data are mostly taken from good-quality secondary sources, which are specified for each entry
- Societies and journals:
Thoroton Society [Nottinghamshire]
Includes a searchable or downloadable
to the Society's publications, 1897-1997 and a
of the contents of the Record Series.
- Medieval English families on the Internet:
- Apperley:
Apperley (John and Rosie Wells)
Includes some early Apperley References
and Wills, Gloucestershire and other counties,
13th century and later
1 August 2003:
New material
In the main section of Some corrections and additions to the Complete Peerage,
the following items have been added:
HEREFORD (Volume 6, pages 455 and 456 (as modified by volume 14)),
MUNCHENSY OF NORFOLK (Volume 9, page 419, note d) and
VESCY (Volume 12, part 2, page 274 and note d).
In the "proposed" section the following items have been added:
BROWNE (three items),
FURNIVALLE (Volume 5, page 591),
GREY (of Ruthin) (Volume 6, page 159: remarriage of Sir John Grey, d. 1439),
NORFOLK (Volume 9, page 610, note d),
SEGRAVE (Volume 11, page 609),
SHREWSBURY (Volume 11, page 702) and
WARWICK (Volume 12, part 2, pages 363-365 and notes).
New links
- A brief guide to medieval English genealogy:
- Handwriting and language:
- A
selection of medieval documents (Durham University)
Includes images of nearly a hundred documents from the
cathedral muniments, designed to illustrate the types produced by a large medieval monastery.
In many cases there is also a commentary and/or transcript
- Yorkshire Archaeological Society
- Manuscripts
A small collection of images of documents, from the 13th-15th centuries, in the archives of the Society
- Chronology and dating:
of Chichester (and of Selsey before 1075) (Diocese of Chichester)
Chronological list
- Medieval source material on the Internet:
- Medieval and early modern texts:
Guernes de Pont-Sainte-Maxence:
La Vie de Saint Thomas Becket
(The Anglo-Norman On-line Hub)
Original French text (omitting introductory material), from the edition of Emmanuel Walberg (Paris, 1936)
- County and local history:
- Cumnor [Oxfordshire]
(Cumnor Parish Record, Cumnor and District History Society)
Extensive website devoted to the history of Cumnor, including transcripts of records,
indexes of wills and funeral monuments, biographical details for 3000 individuals,
articles, maps and photographs. The contents are selected from an even more
extensive unpublished collection, about which enquiries may be made
A Guide to the Manors of Devon
(Ian Mortimer)
Comprehensive listings of the manors of Devon, arranged by the names of the manors and the parishes.
For manors in the hundreds of
Halberton and
there are also extremely useful summaries of their descent - these cover about 100 manors
Maiden Bradley [Wiltshire] History Page (Maiden Bradley Village Website)
Text from H.D. Kitching, A History Of Maiden Bradley
- Modern biography and prosopography:
Soper Lane
Website of a group of women who have studied the working lives of fifteenth century silkwomen.
In addition to demonstrating the techniques of the craft, members of the group
carry out historical research, and the website includes
(in the "Research" section) an article on "Women Traders in the Fifteenth Century"
and brief biographies of two London silkwomen - Beatrice Fyler (d. 1479) and Alice Claver (d. 1489)
- Public records:
Thomas Rymer,
Foedera, conventiones, literae, et cujuscunque generis acta publica ...("Rymer's foedera")
Volume 1
(French-language documents AD 1256-1307)
(The Anglo-Norman On-line Hub)
French-language documents only, extracted from the edition of 1816-1869
- Probate records:
- Prerogative
Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1609
(Public Record Office, DocumentsOnline)
Images of registered wills available as pay-per-view, with a free index (in progress).
The PCC was the highest probate court in England, and most of those with higher social
status tended to have their wills proved there.
The period 1610-1858 has already been completed
Medieval & Tudor Kent P.C.C. & C.C.C. Wills
(in progress; Kent Archaeological Society)
Transcripts of Kent wills from the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
and the Consistory Court of Canterbury by Leland Lewis Duncan,
with indexes by surname and place name
- Funeral monuments:
- Adam Ertham,
1st master of Arundel College (1382):
Arundel, Sussex (photograph and description)
(Monumental Brass Society
of the month for June 2003)
- Thomas Hotofte (1495):
Orsett, Essex
(Thurrock Local History Society)
Inscription recording his benefaction, and a possible memorial
- John Lawe, sub-dean of the College of All Saints, Derby (c. 1480):
(incised slab; photographs and description)
(Monumental Brass Society
of the month for July 2003)
- Links:
- General:
Comparing the Purchasing Power of Money in
Great Britain from 1264 to 2002
(Economic History Services)
A facility to compare sums of money at different dates, based on a retail price index
- Heraldry:
- Seals
(Dr Dianne Tillotson, Medieval Writing)
An illustrated discussion of the seals used by different groups of people in medieval England
- A
handlist of the medieval seals in the Durham Cathedral Muniments
(Durham University)
Revised and updated version of W. Greenwell and C. H. Hunter Blair,
Catalogue of the Seals in the Treasury of the Dean and Chapter of Durham
(1911), including names, dates, inscriptions and - for heraldic seals - descriptions of arms.
The section on "The Charters of Durham" includes a detailed discussion of the use of seals in medieval England
- Medieval Seals (Durham University)
Photographs of more 60 seals from the cathedral muniments
- Societies and journals:
- Archaeologia
Cantiana (Kent Archaeological Society)
Online material from the journal, in progress. The contents pages are already available,
and the index volumes are in progress. A few selected articles are also available
- Yorkshire Archaeological Society -
Medieval Section
- Medieval English families on the Internet:
- Nottingham:
The Virginian Connection
(Cedric T. Nottingham)
An 81-page account in PDF format, including details of Nottinghams and associated
families in Kent, 13th century and later (chapter 7), Ireland, 14th century and later
(chapter 8) and Suffolk, 15th century and later (chapters 5 and 7)
- Thrale:
Thrale English history (Thrale.com)
Notes on the Thrale family of Thrale's End, Bedfordshire, from the 14th century,
and later of Sandridge, Hertfordshire. On the same site is the text and a pedigree
from J. H. Busby, The
Hertfordshire Descent of Henry Thrale, published in Notes & Queries (1948),
relating to the same family
6 July 2003:
New material
In the main section of Some corrections and additions to the Complete Peerage,
the following items have been added:
ABERGAVENNY or (as it was at one time styled) BERGAVENNY,
LA WARRE, now DE LA WARR (Volume 4, page 147),
SURREY (Volume 12, part 1, page 511 and note i).
In the "proposed" section the following items have been added:
ESSEX (County of) (Volume 5, chart between pages 116 and 117:
Maud, wife of Piers de Lutegareshale),
GREY (of Ruthin) (Volume 6, page 159 (as modified by volume 14) and note d),
NORFOLK (Volume 9, page 605),
OXFORD (Volume 10, pages 205, 206 and notes c and d),
VESCY (two items).
New links
- A brief guide to medieval English genealogy:
- Domesday Book:
- Corrections to 'Domesday People'
and 'Domesday Descendants' (Rosie Bevan, Foundation for Medieval Genealogy)
Compilation, in progress, of corrections to the works by K. S. B. Keats-Rohan
on 11th- and 12th-century English landholders
- Domesday Explorer
(Phillimore and Co)
English translations for the Great Domesday counties, together with images of the
manuscript, in searchable form on CD. The
Online help manual
contains a lot of useful background material on Domesday and its "satellite" records,
with bibliographical notes on many aspects of the records, and an extensive
section explaining the language of Domesday and the weights and measures referred to
- Land taxes and feudal surveys:
Landholding in Ireland, c.1200-c.1360 (Durham University)
Project in progress, aiming to compile a detailed register of land held in Ireland by those normally
resident elsewhere. It is hoped to release the results as a publicly accessible
database, though no data are available yet
- Church records:
English Monastic Archives
(University College, London)
Project, in progress, to reconstruct catalogues of the medieval records of all the English monasteries.
This will provide detailed lists of the estates of each house, and of the records produced by each -
which include a wide range of material such as charters, manorial documents and
historical/biographical writings. This information will ultimately be made available as an online database. At present, a
list of the estates of Ware (Hertfordshire) and
catalogues of the records of
Abingdon (Berkshire), Forde (Devon/Dorset) and Marrick (North Riding of Yorkshire) are available as samples
- Medieval source material on the Internet:
- County and local history:
- K. H. Macdermott, Buxted
[Sussex] The Beautiful (1929) (The Sussex Weald)
Scanned images (rather slow on a dial-up connection). Includes
a chapter on medieval history
- The Story of Crowbrough
[Sussex] (1933) (The Sussex Weald)
Scanned images (rather slow on a dial-up connection). Includes
a chapter on manorial history
- Catherine Pullein, Rotherfield
[Sussex] - The Story of some Wealden Manors (1928) (The Sussex Weald)
Scanned images (rather slow on a dial-up connection). Some
chapters - on Rotherfield Church and on The Pageant - are omitted
- Thomas Walker Horsfield, The History,
Antiquities and Topography of the County of Sussex (1835) (The Sussex Weald)
Scanned images (rather slow on a dial-up connection)
of the parts of the book dealing with the Sussex Weald, namely
the hundreds of Loxfield Camden, Loxfield Dorset, Hartfield and Rushmonden,
the town of Tunbridge Wells, and
the parishes of Buxted, East Hoathly, Fletching, Framfield,
Frant, Hartfield, Horsted Parva, Isfield, Lamberhurst, Maresfield, Mayfield,
Rotherfield, Uckfield, Wadhurst, Waldron and Withyham
- County and local history:
Ernest Straker, ed., The
Buckhurst [Sussex] Terrier 1597-1598 (1929) (The Sussex Weald)
Extracts from a survey of landholders, from the Sussex Record Society edition of 1933,
covering the manors of Alchornes, Birchden, Blackham, Bolebrooke, Broome, Buckhurst, Collingherst, Buckhurst,
Fiskeridge, Framfeild, Munckloe, Sheffield and Torringe Peverell.
Scanned images (rather slow on a dial-up connection)
- Funeral monuments:
Richard Torryngton, a London wool merchant, and his wife Margaret Incent
(1356): Great Berkhamstead, Hertfordshire (rubbing and description)
(Monumental Brass Society
of the month for May 2003)
- Links:
- General:
Graphical Index to the Ancestry of Charles II
(Foundation for Medieval Genealogy)
A hyperlinked set of chart pedigrees indexing the ongoing series of papers in The Genealogist
entitled "A Medieval Heritage: The Ancestry of Charles II, King of England",
by Neil D. Thompson and Charles M. Hansen
- Societies and journals:
Harleian Society
Includes a list of publications, with links to copies available for sale
- either originals or CDs
- The City Livery Companies:
The Worshipful Company of Cordwainers
For older additions, see: