Ancestry's UK and Ireland Collection:
English medieval records and probate indexes

This is a draft listing of some of the source material in
Ancestry's UK and Ireland Collection,
which is available on the Internet as a subscription service.
It includes most of the pre-1600 English material in the collection
(but not parish registers or marriage licences) and all the probate
indexes, as of 25 November 2001.
The list has been compiled from the brief details
of the "Parish and Probate Records" databases for the English counties
given on the Ancestry web site.
Where possible I have added notes in [...] identifying the source of the records or clarifying
what is covered. This has usually been fairly straightforward, as most of the records appear to come from
printed editions, but I should stress these additional notes are mine, not Ancestry's.
Where I haven't been able to identify the source, I have just taken the description from Ancestry's
web site - I shall try to obtain more details of these records from them.
To search for material in these sources, you have to use the main Ancestry search form
(specifying the country as "England" if you want to exclude other countries). In the list of
results, all the records below are categorised - somewhat misleadingly - as "Birth, Marriage & Death Records".
Within that broad category, they appear in county databases, with names of the form
"[County name], England: Parish and Probate Records". The results for each county will contain data from parish
registers, marriage licences and other post-medieval records, together with extracts from the sources below.
Public records
(1) Land taxes and feudal surveys
- Lancashire: Inquests, Extents, and Feudal Aids, 1205-1307,
1310-1333 and 1313-1335
[W. Farrer, ed., Lancashire inquests, extents, and feudal aids,
A.D. 1205 - A.D. 1307; Part II. A.D. 1310 - A.D. 1333; Part III. A.D. 1313 - A.D. 1355,
Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society, vols 48, 54, 70 (1903-15)]
(2) Inquisitions post mortem
- Cheshire: Inquisitions Post Mortem, 1603-1660 (P-Y)
[From R. Stewart-Brown, ed.,
Cheshire Inquisitions Post Mortem. Stuart Period, 1603-1660,
Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society vol. 84, 86, 91 (1934-1938)]
- Gloucestershire: Abstracts of Inquisitiones Post Mortem,1236-1300;
Abstracts of Inquisitiones Post Mortem for Gloucestershire,
Returned into the High Court of Chancery, 1302-1358
[S.J. Madge [E.A. Fry], ed.,
Abstracts of inquisitiones post mortem for Gloucestershire,
returned into the Court of chancery during the Plantagenet period.
Part IV. 20 Henry III to 29 Edward I. 1236-1300;
Part V. 30 Edward I to 32 Edward III. 1302-1358,
British Record Society, Index Library vols 30, 40 (1903-10)]
- Gloucestershire: Abstracts of Inquisitiones Post Mortem,
Court of Chancery in the reign of Charles I
[W.P.W. Phillimore and G.S. Fry (E.A. Fry), eds, Abstracts of Gloucestershire inquisitiones post mortem,
returned into the Court of chancery in the reign of Charles I,
British Record Society, Index Library vols 9, 13, 21 (1893-99)]
- Lancashire: Inquisitions, Chancery of the Duchy of Lancaster
and Inquisitions post Mortem, 20-23 James 1st
[J.P. Rylands, ed., Lancashire inquisitions returned
into the chancery of the Duchy of Lancaster and now existing in the Public Record Office, London.
Stuart period, Part III. 20 to 23 James I, Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society vol. 17 (1888)]
- London: Abstracts of Inquisitiones Post Mortem, City of London, 1485-1561,
Inquisitiones Post Mortem for the City of London, Wills and Administrations, 1561-1577 and
Inquisitiones Post Mortem, City of London, 1577-1603
[G.S. Fry [S.J. Madge/E.A. Fry], ed.,
Abstracts of Inquisitiones post mortem relating to the city of London,
returned into the Court of chancery.
Part I. 1 Henry VII to 3 Elizabeth, 1485-1561;
Part II. 4-19 Elizabeth, 1561-1577;
Part III. 19-45 Elizabeth, 1577-1603, British Record Society, Index Library
vols 15, 26 and 36 (1896-1908)]
- Wiltshire: Inquisitiones Post Mortem returned to the court of chancery, 1242-1326
[Abstracts of Wiltshire Inquisitiones post mortem, returned into the Court of
Chancery in the reigns of Henry III, Edward I, and Edward II A.D. 1242-1326 ,
British Record Society, Index Library vol. 37/Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society (1908)]
- Wiltshire: Abstracts of Inquisitiones Post Mortem Returned Into the
Court of Chancery, 1327-1377
[Abstracts of Wiltshire Inquisitiones post mortem returned into the
Court of Chancery in the reign of King Edward III. A.D. 1327-1377,
Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society (1914)]
(3) Pipe rolls
- Cheshire: Cheshire in the Pipe Rolls, 1158-1301
[R. Stewart-Brown, ed., Cheshire in the Pipe Rolls, 1158-1301,
Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society, vol.92 (1938)]
(4) Taxation and other lists
- Bedfordshire: Subsidy Lists, 1309-1332
[[S.H.A. Hervey, ed.,] Two Bedfordshire subsidy lists: 1309 and 1332,
Suffolk Green Books no 18 (1925)]
- Buckinghamshire: Certificate of Musters in 1522
[The certificate of musters for Buckinghamshire in 1522,
Buckinghamshire Record Society no 17/Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts no.18 (1973)]
- Buckinghamshire: Certificate of Musters in 1535
- Cheshire and Flintshire:
Revenues of the counties of Chester and Flint Michaelmas, 1361-1362
[P.H.W. Booth and A.D. Carr, eds,
Account of Master John de Burnham the younger, Chamberlain of Chester,
of the revenues of the counties of Chester and Flint, Michaelmas 1361 to Michaelmas 1362,
Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society vol. 125 (1991)]
- Freeholders in Cheshire, 1578
[Miscellanies relating to Lancashire and Cheshire
1. A List of the Freeholders in Cheshire, 1578 ...,
Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society, vol. 43 (1902)]
- Lancashire: Lay Subsidies, Henry 3rd to Charles 2nd
[J.A.C. Vincent, ed., Lancashire lay subsidies,
an examination of the lay subsidy rolls remaining in the
Public Record Office, from Henry III to Charles II
(vol. 1: 1216-1307), Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society vol. 27]
- Norfolk: Musters Returns, 1569, 1572, 1574, 1577
[The musters return for divers hundreds in the county of Norfolk,
1569, 1572, 1574 and 1577, Norfolk Record Society vols 6-7 (1935-36)]
- Suffolk: Subsidy Returns, 1327
[[Sydenham H. A. Hervey, ed.,] Suffolk in 1327. Being a Subsidy Return (1906)]
- Suffolk: Subsidy Returns, 1524
[[Sydenham H. A. Hervey, ed.,]
Suffolk in 1524, being the return for a subsidy granted in 1523 (1910)]
- Suffolk: Subsidy Returns, 1568
[[Sydenham H. A. Hervey, ed.,]
Suffolk in 1568, being the Return for a Subsidy granted in 1566 ... (1909)]
(5) Common law records
- Cheshire: Quarter Sessions Records and other records
of the Justices of the Peace, 1559-1760
[J.H.E. Bennett and J.C. Dewhurst, eds,
Quarter sessions records, with other records of the Justices of the Peace for the County Palatine of Chester, 1559-1760,
together with a few earlier miscellaneous records deposited with the Cheshire County Council,
Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society, vol. 94 (1940)]
- Lancashire: Calendar of Assize Rolls, 1202-1281 and 1284-1363
[J.W.R. Parker, ed.,
A calendar of the Lancashire assize rolls preserved in the Public Record Office, London,
Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society vols 47 [4 John-10 Edward I], 49 [12,13 Edward I] (1904-05)]
- Nottinghamshire: Coroners' Inquests, 1485-1558
[R.F. Hunnisett, ed.,
Calendar of Nottinghamshire coroners' inquests, 1485-1558,
Thoroton Society vol. 25 (1969)]
- London: Calendar of Coroners Rolls, City of London, 1300-1378
[R.R. Sharpe, ed.,
Calendar of coroners rolls of the city of London, A.D. 1300-1378 (1913)]
- Middlesex:
Sessions Records, Indictments, Coroners' Inquests-Post-Mortem and Recognizances, vol. 1
Rolls, Books, Indictments, Recognizances, Coroners' Inquisitions-Post-Mortem, Orders and Memoranda, vol. 2
Rolls, Books and Certificates, Indictments, Recognizances, Coroners' Inquisitions-Post-Mortem, Orders, Memoranda and Certificates, 1625-1667, vol. 3
Rolls, Books and Certificates, Indictments, Recognizances, Coroners' Inquisitions-Post-Mortem, Orders, Memoranda and Certificates, 1667-1688, vol. 4
[J.C. Jeaffreson, ed., Middlesex county records (old series),
vols 1-4: Indictments, coroners' inquests-post-mortem and recognizances [etc]
from 3 Edward VI to ... 4 James II,
Middlesex County Records Society (1886-1892)]
- Norfolk: Gaol Delivery Rolls, 1307-1316
[B.A. Hanawalt, ed., Crime in East Anglia in the fourteenth century.
Norfolk gaol delivery rolls, 1307-1316,
Norfolk Record Society vol. 44 (1976)]
(6) Feet of fines
- Lancashire: Final Concords, or Feet of Fines, 1196 to 1307,
John, Duke of Lancaster to Henry 7 and 1510-1558
[W. Farrer, ed., Final Concords of the County of Lancaster, from the original Chirographs,
or Feet of Fines preserved [amongst the Palatinate of Lancaster Records] in the Public Record Office, London.
Part I. 7 Richard I to 35 Edward I. A.D. 1196 - A.D. 1307;
Part III. John, Duke of Lancaster, to Henry VII. A.D. 1377 - A.D. 1509;
Part IV. Henry VIII to Philip and Mary. A.D. 1510 - A.D. 1558,
Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society, vols 39, 50, 60 (1899-1910)]
(7) Chancery and other equity suits
- England: Calendar of Chancery Proceedings, Bills and Answers
filed in the reign of King Charles the First, (A-Z)
[From W.P.W. Phillimore (and E.A. Fry), ed.,
A Calendar of Chancery Proceedings.
Bills and Answers filed in the reign of King Charles the First ...
British Record Society, Index Library vol. 2, 5, 6, 14 (1889-1896)]
- Lancashire: Pleadings & Depositions, Duchy Court of Lancaster,
Henry VII and Henry VIII, Henry 8th, 1547-1558
[H. Fishwick, ed.,
[Selected] Pleadings and Depositions in the Duchy Court of Lancaster.
Time of Henry VII and Henry VII [1 Henry VII - 23 Henry VIII];
Time of Henry VIII [24-38 Henry VIII];
Time of Edward VI and Philip and Mary [1 Edward VI - 5 & 6 Philip & Mary],
Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society, vols 32, 35, 40 (1896-99)]
- Lancashire and Cheshire: Cases in the Court of Star Chamber, 1499-1528
[R. Stewart-Brown, ed.,
Lancashire and Cheshire Cases in the Court of Star Chamber. Part I
[apparently Henry VII to the end of Henry VIII],
Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society, vol. 71 (1916)]
- Cheshire: Bromborough - Talbot Deeds, 1200-1682
[E.E. Barker, ed., Talbot Deeds, 1200-1682,
Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society vol. 103 (1953)]
- Lancashire: Calendar of Norris deads, 12th to 15th century
[J.H. Lumby, ed., A calendar of the Norris deeds (Lancashire) 12th to 15th century:
from the originals in the British Museum,
Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society vol. 93 (1939)]
Manorial records
- Lancashire: Court Rolls of the Lordships, Wapentakes, and Demesne
Manors of Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, in the Court of Lancaster
[W. Farrer, ed., Some court rolls of the lordships, wapentakes, and demesne
manors of Thomas, earl of Lancaster, 1323-4,
Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society vol. 41 (1901)]
Probate records
- Berkshire:
Wills proved and Administrations Granted in the Court of the Archdeacon of Berks, 1508-1652
[W.P.W. Phillimore, ed., Index to wills proved and administrations granted in the court of the archdeacon of
Berks, 1508 to 1652,
British Record Society, Index Library vol. 8 (1893)]
- Cheshire and Lancashire:
Calendar of persons commemorated in Monumental inscriptions, Abstracts of Wills, and Administrations
[F.C. Beazley, compiler and ed.,
Calendar of Persons commemorated in Monumental Inscriptions, and of Abstracts of Wills, Administrations, &c.,
contained in books relating to Lancashire and Cheshire,
Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society Publications vol. 76 (1922)]
- Cheshire and Lancashire: Wills, 1301-1752
[W.F. Irvine, ed.,
A collection of Lancashire and Cheshire wills not now to be found in any probate registry, 1301-1752,
Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society vol. 30 (1896)]
- Cheshire and Lancashire: List of the wills, inventories, administration
bonds, and testamentary depositions at the diocesan registry, chester, 1487 to 1620,
List of the Wills, Inventories, at the Diocesan Registry, Chester, 1621 to 1700,
and Calendar of Wills, Diocesan Registry of Chester, 1701-1800
[W.F. Irvine, ed., An index of the wills, inventories, administration bonds,
and depositions in testamentary suits now preserved
at the diocesan registry, Chester, from 1487 to 1620 inclusive,
and W.H. Price, ed., 1621-1700 and 1701-1800,
Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society vol. 33, 43, 52
(1896, 1902, 1905)]
- Cheshire and Lancashire: Miscellanies and an Index of Infra Wills
[Miscellanies relating to Lancashire and Cheshire containing
1. An index of Infra Wills, now preserved in the Probate Registry, Chester, 1590-1665 ...
Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society vol. 52 (1906)]
- Cheshire [and Lancashire]:
Wills and Inventories, 1660-1680, 1681-1700, 1701-1720 and 1741-1760
[J.P. Earwaker, ed.,
An index to the wills and inventories now preserved in the Court of Probate at Chester from
A.D. 1660 to 1680, 1681 to 1700, 1701-1720 and 1741-1760,
Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society vols 15, 18, 20 and 25 (1887, 1888, 1889 and 1892)]
- Cheshire [and Lancashire]:
Wills and Inventories, 1761-1780 (A-M), 1761-1780 (N-Z), 1781-1790, 1791-1800
[W.F. Irvine, ed.,
An index to the wills and inventories now preserved in the probate registry at Chester
from A.D. 1761 to 1780: A-M, from A.D. 1761 to 1780: N-Z,
from A.D. 1781 to 1790 and from A.D. 1791 to 1800,
with an appendix containing the list of the 'infra' wills,
Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society vols 37, 38, 44, 45
(Exeter, 1898, 1899, Liverpool, 1902, 1902)]
- Cheshire [and Lancashire]:
Wills and Inventories, 1801-10 (A-L and M-Z)
[R. Stewart-Brown, ed.,
An index to the wills and administrations, including the 'infra' wills, now preserved
in the probate registry at Chester for the years 1801-1810, both inclusive: A-L and M-Z,
Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society vols 62, 63
(Edinburgh and London, 1911, 1912)]
- Cheshire [and Lancashire]:
Wills and Inventories, 1811-20 (A-L and M-Z)
[W.A. Tonge, ed.,
An index to the wills and administrations, including the 'infra' wills, now preserved
in the probate registry at Chester for the years 1811-1820, both inclusive: A-L and M-Z,
Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society vols 78, 79
(Kendal, 1928)]
- Cheshire [and Lancashire]:
Supplementary Index to the "Infra" Wills and Administrations, 1693
[From Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society vol.63; Edinburgh and London (1912)]
- Cheshire and Lancashire: Wills and Administrations, 1821-1825, 1826-1830,
1831-1833 and 1834-1837
[R. Dickinson and F. Dickinson, eds,
Index to the wills and administrations, formerly preserved in the probate registry, Chester
1821-1825, 1826-1830, 1831-1833 and 1834-1837
Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society vols 107, 113, 118, 120 (1961-1980)]
- Cheshire: Stockport - Probate Records, 1578-1619
[C.B. Phillips and J.H. Smith, eds,
Stockport Probate Records 1578-1619,
Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society vol. 124 (1985)]
- Cornwall and Devon:
Calendar of Wills Administrations and Accounts relating to the counties of Cornwall
and Devon in the Connotorial Archidiaconal Court of Cornwall, 1569-1699 and
Calendar of Wills Administrations and Accounts relating to the counties of Cornwall and Devon
in the Consistorial Archidiaconal Court of Cornwall, 1700-1799
[R.M. Glencross, ed.,
Calendar of wills, administrations and accounts relating to the counties of
Cornwall and Devon in the connotorial [consistorial] archidiaconal court of Cornwall
(with which are included the records of the royal peculiar of St Burian) now preserved
in the district probate registry at Bodmin, Part 1: 1569-1699; Part 2: 1700-1799;
British Record Society, Index Library vols 56, 59 (1929, 1932)]
- [Derbyshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire
and Warwickshire:]
Lichfield - Wills and Administrations, 1516-1652
[W.P.W. Phillimore, ed.,
Calendars of wills and administrations in the
consistory court of the bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, 1516 to 1652.
Also those in the peculiars now deposited in the probate registries at Lichfield,
Birmingham and Derby, 1529-1652, 1675-1790, 1753-1790 [respectively],
British Record Society, Index Library vol. 7 (1892)]
- Devon and Cornwall:
Wills and Administrations proved in the Consistory Court of the Bishop of Exeter,
1532 to 1800
[E.A. Fry, ed., Calendar of wills and administrations relating
to the counties of Devon and Cornwall
proved in the consistory court of the bishop of Exeter, 1532-1800,
now preserved in the probate registry at Exeter,
British Record Society, Index Library vol. 46/Devonshire Association (1914)]
- Devon and Cornwall:
Wills and Administrations proved in the
[court of the principal registry of the] Bishop of Exeter, 1559-1799
[and Devon wills and administrations
proved in the court of the archdeacon of Exeter, 1540-1799]
[E.A. Fry, ed., Calendars of wills and administrations relating to the counties of Devon and Cornwall,
proved in the court of the principal registry of the bishop of Exeter, 1559-1799,
and of Devon only, proved in the court of the archdeacon of Exeter, 1540-1799, all now
preserved in the probate registry at Exeter,
British Record Society, Index Library vol. 35/Devonshire Association (1908)]
- Dorset and Somerset: Wills and Administrations, 1312-1799
[G.S. Fry, ed.,
Calendars of wills and administrations relating to the county of Dorset,
British Record Society, Index Library vol. 53 (1922)]
- Essex and Hertfordshire: Chelmsford - Wills, 1400-1619 and
[F.G. Emmison, ed., Wills at Chelmsford (Essex and East Hertfordshire),
Vol.1: 1400-1619; Vol.2: 1620-1720; British Record Society, Index Library vols 78, 79 (1958, 1961)
[combined index to wills from the archdeaconry courts of Essex (from 1400) and Colchester (from 1500),
and the Essex and Hertfordshire divisions of the archdeaconry court of Middlesex (from 1554)
and the commissary court of London (from 1441); also the peculiars of Writtle with Roxwell (from 1607),
Good Easter (from 1613), the deanery of Bocking (from 1627) and the liberty of the Sokens (from 1644)]]
- Gloucestershire: Calendar of Wills, Court of Bishop of Gloucester, 1541-1650
[W.P.W. Phillimore and L.L. Duncan, eds,
A calendar of wills proved in the consistory court of the bishop
of Gloucester, 1541-1650, with an appendix of dispersed wills [1508-1700]
and wills proved in the peculiar courts of Bibury [1590-1649]
and Bishop's Cleeve [1635-1796],
British Record Society, Index Library vol. 12 (1895)]
- Gloucestershire: Bristol - Bristol Wills, 1572-1792
[E.A. Fry, ed.,
A calendar of wills proved in the consistory court (city and deanery of Bristol division)
of the bishop of Bristol, 1572-1792...,
British Record Society, Index Library vol. 17 (1897)]
- Gloucestershire: Wills Proved in the Court of Bishop of Gloucester, 1660-1800
[E.A. Fry and W.P.W. Phillimore, eds,
A calendar of wills proved in the consistory court of the bishop of Gloucester 1660 to 1800,
British Record Society, Index Library vol. 34 (1907)]
- Calendars of Huntingdonshire Wills, 1479-1652
[W.M. Noble, ed., Calendars of Huntingdonshire wills, 1479-1652
[Huntingdon Archdeaconry], British Record Society, Index Library vol. 42 (1911)]
- Lancashire: see also Cheshire
- Lancashire: Lancashire Wills proved at Archdeaconry of Richmond (Yorkshire), 1457-1680 and
Lancashire Wills, 1531-1652
[H. Fishwick, ed.,
A list of the Lancashire wills proved within the archdeaconry of Richmond,
and now preserved in Somerset House, London, from A.D. 1457 to 1680;
and of abstracts of Lancashire wills,belonging to the same archdeaconry, in the British Museum,
from A.D. 1531 to 1652,
Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society vol. 10 (1884)]
- Lancashire: Wills, Archdeaconry of Richmond, 1681-1748
[H. Fishwick, ed.,
A list of the Lancashire wills proved within the archdeaconry of Richmond, and now preserved in Somerset House,
London, from A.D. 1681 to 1748,
Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society vol. 13 (1886)]
- Lancashire: Wills, Archdeaconry of Richmond, 1748-1792
[H. Fishwick, ed.,
A list of the Lancashire wills proved within the archdeaconry of Richmond,
and now preserved in the Court of Probate at Lancaster, from 1748 to 1792;
also a list of wills proved in the peculiar of Halton, from A.D. 1615 to 1792,
Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society vol. 23 (1891)]
- Lancashire: Wills, Archdeaconry of Richmond, 1793-1812
[H. Fishwick, ed.,
A list of the Lancashire wills proved within the archdeaconry of Richmond,
and now preserved in the Probate Court at Lancaster, from 1793 to 1812;
also a list of wills proved in the peculiar of Halton, from A.D. 1793 to 1812,
Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society vol. 66 (1913)]
- Lancashire: Wills, Archdeaconry of Richmond, 1813-1837
[R. Dickinson, ed.,
A list of the Lancashire wills proved within the archdeaconry of Richmond,
and now preserved at the Probate Court, Lancaster, from 1813 to 1837,
Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society vol. 99 (1947)]
- Lancashire: Wills, Archdeaconry of Richmond, 1838-1858
[R. Dickinson, ed.,
A list of the Lancashire wills proved within the archdeaconry of Richmond,
and now preserved at the Probate Court, Lancaster, from 1838 to 1858 ...,
Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society vol. 105 (1953)]
- Leicestershire and Rutland:
Index to the Wills and Administrations proved and granted in the Archdeaconry Court of Leicester 1660-1750, and
in the peculiars of St. Margaret, Leicester, and Rothley and the Rutland Peculiars of Caldecott,
Ketton and Tixover, and Liddington
[H. Hartopp, transcriber,
Index to the wills and administrations proved and granted in the archdeaconry court of Leicester, 1660-1750,
and in the peculiars of St Margaret, Leicester, and Rothley, and the Rutland peculiars of
Caldecott, Ketton and Tixover, and Liddington prior to 1821 ...,
British Record Society, Index Library vol. 51 (1920)]
- Lincolnshire: Calendar of Wills, 1320-1600
[C.W. Foster, ed., Calendars of Lincoln wills [and administrations]
Vol.1: 1320-1600
[from Lincoln episcopal registers, 1320-1547, miscellaneous documents in the registry, 1489-1588,
and wills proved in the consistory and other courts of Lincoln, 1506-1600],
British Record Society, Index Library vol. 28 (1902)]
- Lincolnshire and Huntingdonshire:
Calendar of Lincolnshire Wills, 1601-1652
[C.W. Foster, ed., Calendars of Lincoln wills,
vol. 2: Consistory court wills, 1601-1652, British Record Society, Index Library vol. 41 (1910)]
- Norfolk: Norwich - 1. Index to Wills, Consistory Court of Norwich, 1370-1550,
2. Wills among the Norwich Enrolled Deeds, 1286-1508
[M.A. Farrow, ed., Index to wills proved in the consistory court of Norwich
and now preserved in the district probate registry at Norwich, 1370-1550
and wills among the Norwich enrolled deeds, 1286-1508,
British Record Society, Index Library vol. 69/Norfolk Record Society vol. 16 (1943-5)]
- Norfolk: Norwich - Index to Wills, Consistory Court of Norwich, 1550-1603
[M.A. Farrow, compiler, and P. Millican, ed.,
Index to wills proved in the consistory court of Norwich
and now preserved in the district probate registry at Norwich, 1550-1603,
British Record Society, Index Library vol. 73/Norfolk Record Society vol. 21 (1950)]
- Norfolk: Norwich - Index of Wills, Consistory Court of Norwich, 1751-1818
[T.F. Barton, M.A. Farrow and A.L. Bedingfeld, eds,
Index of wills proved in the Consistory Court of Norwich, 1751-1818,
and now preserved in the Norfolk and Norwich Record Office,
Norfolk Record Society Publications 38 (1969)]
- Northamptonshire and Rutland: Calendar of Wills, 1510-1652
[W.P.W. Phillimore, ed.,
A calendar of wills relating to the counties of Northamptonshire
and Rutland proved in the court of the archdeacon of Northampton, 1510 to 1652,
British Record Society, Index Library vol. 1 (1888)]
- Northamptonshire: Administrations, Archdeaconry of Northampton, 1667[1677]-1710
[L. Drucker, ed.,
Administrations in the archdeaconry of Northampton, 1677-1710 ...,
British Record Society, Index Library vol. 70 (1947)]
- Somerset:
Calendar of Wills, 1537-1799, and Administrations in the Court of the Archdeacon of Taunton
[E.A. Fry, ed.,
Calendar of wills and administrations in the court of the archdeacon of Taunton,
Parts 1 and 2: Wills only, 1537-1799
[registered wills and administrations, 1537-93, and unregistered wills, 1597-1799];
Parts 3 and 4: Administrations, 1596-1799, calendar of wills in the royal peculiar of Ilminster, 1690-1857;
British Record Society, Index Library vols 45, 45A [bound with 53] (1912, 1921)]
- Suffolk: Sudbury - Wills of Archdeaconry of Sudbury, 1630-35
[N. Evans, ed., Wills of the Archdeaconry of Sudbury,
1630-1635, Suffolk Records Society vol. 29 (1987)]
- Suffolk: Wills of the Archdeaconry of Suffolk, 1620-24 and 1625-1626
[M.E. Allen, ed., Wills of the Archdeaconry of Suffolk, 1620-1624 and 1625-1626,
Suffolk Records Society vols 31, 37 (1989, 1995)]
- Sussex: Wills and Administrations preserved in the District Probate Court of Lewes
[W.H. Hall, compiler,
Calendar of wills and administrations in the archdeaconry court of Lewes in the bishopric of Chichester,
[1518-1652] together with those in the archbishop of Canterbury's peculiar jurisdiction of South Malling
and the peculiar of the deanery of Battle ... From the earliest extant instruments in the reign of
Henry VII to the Commonwealth,
British Record Society, Index Library vol. 24 (1901)]
- Sussex:
Chichester - Calendar of Wills in the Consistory Court of the Bishop of Chichester, 1482-1800
[E.A. Fry, ed.,
Calendar of wills in the consistory court of the bishop of Chichester, 1482-1800,
British Record Society, Index Library vol. 49 (1915)]
- Worcestershire:
Wills and Administrations in the Court of The Bishop of Worcester, 1451-1652;
Marriage Licenses and Sequestrations
[E.A. Fry, ed.,
Calendar of wills and administrations preserved in the consistory court of the bishop of Worcester ...,
1451-1652 (British Record Society, Index Library 31, 39; London, 1904, 1910)]
Funeral monuments
- Lancashire and Cheshire:
Calendar of parsons commemorated in Monumental inscriptions,
Abstracts of Wills, and Administrations
[F.C. Beazley,
compiler and ed., Calendar of Persons commemorated in Monumental Inscriptions,
and of Abstracts of Wills, Administrations, &c.,
contained in books relating to Lancashire and Cheshire,
Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society vol. 76 (1922)]
- Middlesex: Clerkenwell - Parish Registers, Monumental Inscriptions of Charterhouse Chapel
[F. Collins, ed.,
The registers and monumental inscriptions of Charterhouse chapel,
Harleian Society registers vol. 18 (1892)]
Church records and religious houses
- Cheshire: The ordination Register of Chester, 1542-1558
[Miscellanies relating to Lancashire and Cheshire
... 2. The Ordination Register of the Diocese of Chester, 1542-1558 ...,
Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society vol. 43 (1902)]
- Durham: Durham, St Giles - Memorials of St. Giles's, and other Parish Records
[J. Barmby, ed., Memorials of
St Giles's, Durham, being grassmen's accounts and other parish records,
together with documents relating to the hospitals of Kepier and St Mary Magdalene,
Surtees Society vol. 95 (1896)]
Heralds' Visitations and the College of Arms
- Cheshire and Lancashire:
Funeral Certificates, 1600-1678
[J.P. Rylands, ed.,
Cheshire and Lancashire funeral certificates ... 1600 to 1678,
Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society vol. 6 (1882)]
(1) Urban and guild records
- Cheshire: Chester - Freemen of the City of Chester, 1392-1700
[J.H.E. Bennett, ed., The Rolls of the
Freemen of the City of Chester. Part I. 1392-1700,
Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society, vol. 51 (1906)]
- Devon: Exeter - Freemen 1266-1967
[Exeter freemen, 1266-1967,
Devon and Cornwall Record Society Publications, Extra series 1 (1973)]
- Lancashire: Preston - Burgesses at the Guilds Merchant, 1397-1682
[W.A. Abram, ed., The rolls of burgesses at the guilds merchant of the borough of Preston,
1397-1682, Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society vol. 9 (1884)]
- Norfolk: [Norwich] Census of the Poor, 1570
[The Norwich census of the poor, 1570,
Norfolk Record Society vol. 40 (1971)]
(2) Schools, Universities and Inns of Court
- Cambridge University:
Cambridge Alumni Database
Index based on J.A. Venn, Alumni Cantabrigiensis,
1261-1900 (Cambridge, 1922-1940)
- Suffolk: Bury St. Edmunds - Biographical List of Boys Educated at
King Edward 6th Free Grammar School, 1550-1900
[S.H.A. Hervey, ed.,
Biographical list of boys educated at King Edward VI Free Grammar School, Bury St. Edmunds, from 1550 to 1900,
(Bury St Edmunds, 1908)]
(3) Other
- England, Scotland and Ireland: Musgrave's Obituaries Prior to 1800, parts 1-6
[From Sir G.J. Armytage, ed., Obituary prior to 1800, as far as relates to England, Scotland and Ireland.
Compiled by Sir W. Musgrave and entitled by him "A General Nomenclator and Obituary ...",
Harleian Society vols 44-49 (1899-1901)]
- Kent: Canterbury Licences (Teaching and Medical) 1568-1646
[Arthur J. Willis, compiler, Canterbury licences (general) 1568-1646
- Lancashire and Cheshire:
Original Documents relating to Lancashire and Cheshire
- Somerset: A list of worthies and unworthies and villains born in the county
[A.L. Humphreys, compiler, The Somerset Roll.
An experimental List of worthies, unworthies and villains born in the county (1897)]