What's new on this site: January-March 2006

For more details, with links, of the latest batch of updates, see the
update page.
20 February 2006:
New material
The list of contents and place-name index for the Victoria County History has been expanded to include other articles as well as the topographical ones listed previously, such as those in the sections on Religious Houses, Education and Forestry. In particular, many entries have been added for religious houses, whose records can be very useful for medieval genealogy. These have been covered for most counties, even where no topographical articles have been published, and much of the material is available at the British History Online website (links have been included where this is the case).
New links
A brief guide to medieval English genealogy:
Public records: Feet of fines:
- Foot of Fine 1272 (Doug Thompson, de Braose Web)
An example of a thirteenth-century final concord, transcribed and translated by Paul Mackenzie
Medieval source material on the Internet:
Medieval and early modern texts: by author, H-N:
- Stanford University Library Books in the Public Domain; search for "Higden"
PDF format; Latin and English texts (incomplete) from the edition of Churchill Babington and others (Rolls Series 41, vols 1-7 and 9; 1869-1886)
Medieval and early modern texts: by author, O-Z:
- Sir Walter Raleigh, A Report of the truth concerning the last sea-fight of the Revenge (Susan Rhoads, Elfinspell)
Original text and modernised version of a description of a sea battle in 1591, from The Last Fight of the Revenge At Sea (1902)
- Worcester: Early Medieval Record-Keeping and the Nero-Middleton Cartulary (Jonathan Herold, University of Toronto)
Transcripts and images of a late 11th-century cartulary from Worcester, with corresponding material from an earlier cartulary, the Liber Wigornensis. The site also includes discussion and bibliography.
Schools, Universities and Inns of Court:
- A searchable (but not browsable) online version is available on the website of Trinity College, Cambridge
This includes some updates and additional bibliographical information.
Medieval English families on the Internet:
- Matthew Boulter, The Career of William de Braose in the reign of King John (Doug Thompson, de Braose Web)
Text of a Sheffield University MA dissertation on the life of William de Braose (d1211).
Links to some useful societies and journals:
- Lancaster: Lancaster Archaeological and Historical Society
Includes lists of contents of the Society's journal, Contrebis, from volume 24 (1999) onwards. Also a facility to search for words in the title, volumes 1-29, and personal and place names, volumes 1-28.
- List and Index Society
Includes lists of the Society's publications, with a subject index
Victoria County History:
British History Online:
- Huntingdonshire, volume 2 (1932) (part)
- Lancashire, volume 3 (1907)
- Lancashire, volume 4 (1911)
- Somerset, volume 2 (1911) (part)
- Sussex, volume 3 (1935) (part)
- Warwickshire, volume 4 (1947)
- Wiltshire, volume 6 (1962)
VCH county websites:
- Henley on Thames (VCH Oxfordshire website)
- Castle Cary (VCH Somerset website)
- Keinton Mandeville (VCH Somerset website)
For older additions, see: