What was new on this site: May-July 2005

For the most recent additions, with links, see the update page.
For brief details of the current quarter's additions, see What's new on this site.
31 July 2005:
New content
In the "proposed" section of
Some corrections and additions to the Complete Peerage the following item
has been updated: BROWNE (Volume 2, page 346)
New links
- Medieval source material on the Internet:
- History: (McMaster University Archive for the History of Economic Thought)
- William James Ashley, An Introduction to English Economic History and Theory
(4th edn, 1906-9)
Volume 1: The Middle Ages and
Volume 2: The End of the Middle Ages
PDF files (500 and 900 KB)
- Adolphus Ballard,
The English Borough in the Twelfth Century (1914)
PDF file (2.5 MB)
- Thomas Peter Ellis,
Welsh Tribal Law and Custom in the Middle Ages (1926)
Volume 1
Volume 2
PDF files (16 MB each)
- Charles Gross,
The Gild Merchant (1890)
Volume 1
Volume 2
PDF files (28 and 33 MB)
- Matthew Hale,
The History of The Common Law of England (1713)
- Wilhelm Hasbach,
A History of the English Agricultural Labourer (1908)
PDF file (17 MB)
- Charles Homer Haskins,
Norman Institutions (1918)
PDF file (17 MB)
- John Mitchell Kemble,
The Saxons in England: A History of the English Commonwealth to the Time of the Norman Conquest
(1876 edn) Volume 1
and Volume 2
PDF files (16-18 MB)
- Erwin Nasse,
On The Agricultural Community of the Middle Ages, and Inclosures of the Sixteenth Century in England (1872)
Translation by H. A. Odvey. PDF file (230 KB)
- Charles William Chadwick Oman,
The Great Revolt of 1381 (1906)
PDF file (700 KB)
- Frederick Pollock and Frederic William Maitland,
History of English Law Before the Time of Edward I (2nd edn, 1898) Volume 1
and Volume 2
PDF files (33 MB and 30 MB)
- Reginald Lane-Poole,
The Exchequer in the Twelfth Century (1912)
PDF file (6 MB)
- Eileen Edna LePoer Power,
The Wool Trade in English Medieval History (1941)
Text of a series of lectures. PDF file (160 KB)
- James Edwin Thorold Rogers,
Six Centuries of Work and Wages (1884)
PDF file (1.5 MB)
- John Horace Round,
Feudal England (1895)
PDF file (17.6 MB)
A collection of papers, including
"The Lords of Ardres", discussing the Domesday tenant Arnold of Ardres,
"Walter Tirel and his wife", investigating the relationships between the families of Tirel, Clare and Giffard
in the 11th and 12th centuries,
"The Origin of the Nevilles", speculating about the ancestry of Robert fitz Maldred, male-line ancestor of the Nevilles,
"The Montomorency Imposture", debunking the alleged descent of the Irish Morres
family from Hervey de Montmorency in the 12th century
- William Stubbs
- The Constitutional History of England in Its Origin and Development (6th edn, 1903)
Volume 1, Volume 2 and Volume 3
PDF files (26-28 MB)
- Charles Petit-Dutaillis,
Studies and Notes Supplementary to Stubbs' Constitutional History Volume 1 (1911) and
Volume 2 (1915)
PDF files (5-6 MB)
- James Tait,
The Medieval English Borough (1936)
PDF file (16 MB)
- Thomas Frederick Tout
- Chapters in the Administrative History of Medieval England:
The Wardrobe, The Chambers and the Small Seals (1920-33) Volume 1, Volume 2,
Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5 and Volume 6
PDF files (15-22 MB)
- Paul Govrilovitch Vinogradoff
Feudalism [Cambridge Medieval History, volume 3, pp. 458-484 (1924)]
The Foundations of Society (Origins of Feudalism) [Cambridge Medieval History, volume 2, pp. 630-654 (1913)]
Agricultural Services [Economic Journal, volume 10 (1900)]
- County and local history:
Forncett, Norfolk: Frances Gardiner Davenport,
The Economic Development of a Norfolk Manor, 1086-1565 (1906)
(McMaster University Archive for the History of Economic Thought)
PDF file (8 MB). A detailed study of the manor of Forncett.
The appendices, which make up nearly half the work, consist of
transcripts of records relating to the manor
- Modern biography and prosopography:
Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England (PASE) (King's College, London/Cambridge University)
A comprehensive biographical database of nearly 12,000 inhabitants of Anglo-Saxon
England, in the period 597-1042, based on information in contemporary documents.
The database is searchable by name, place, and a variety of other criteria.
The website also includes a glossary, a select bibliography, lists of places mentioned,
and chronological listings of kings and bishops.
- Edward Augustus Freeman,
William the Conqueror (1888)
(McMaster University Archive for the History of Economic Thought)
PDF file (360 KB)
- Probate records:
Norfolk Record Office online catalogue
Searchable database, in progress. Includes references to wills and administrations
in the Consistory Court of Nowrwich, 1370-1858, and medieval wills enrolled in the
records of the City Court of Norwich
- Parish registers:
A listing of parishes and dates included in the I.G.I. is available on Hugh Wallis's
Batch Numbers web pages, which also allows searches to be made for entries from a particular parish
- Miscellaneous: Urban and guild records:
- Calendar of letter-books of the city of London (British History Online)
C: 1291-1309
D: 1309-1314
F: 1337-1352
English abstracts, from the editions of Reginald R. Sharpe (1899-1912).
Miscellaneous records, including recognizances of debts, deeds etc.
- Miscellaneous: Schools, Universities and Inns of Court:
of Public Access to the King's College [Cambridge] Estates Records
(King's College, Cambridge)
Project, in progress, to make available copies of catalogues in Word format,
together with images of selected documents
- Victoria County History:
- The articles on religious houses from the following volumes
(British History Online)
- Bedfordshire, volume 1
- Berkshire, volume 2
- Buckinghamshire, volume 1
- Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely, volume 2
- Cheshire, volume 3
- Cumberland, volume 2
- Derbyshire, volume 2
- Dorset, volume 2
- Gloucestershire, volume 2
- Northamptonshire, volume 2
- Nottinghamshire, volume 2
- Oxfordshire, volume 2
- Monumental brasses on the Internet:
- Sir Edward Warner
Little Plumstead, Norfolk (rubbing and discussion)
(Brass of the month, July 2005)
- Medieval English families on the Internet:
- For Ardres, Montmorency, Morres, Neville, and Robert fitz Maldred,
see History section above for J. H. Round, Feudal England
- Knelle:
Research of Knelle Manor and Family,
Similar Names, Manors and Places (Ana Luppertz)
Detailed notes on the Knelle family of Sussex, 12th century and later
- Links:
- General links:
Medieval and Ancient lines (Bill Marshall)
Dave's Database (Dave Ross)
The Phillips, Weber, Kirk, & Staggs families of the Pacific Northwest (Jim Weber)
Bradley, Collette, Gillespie & Opp Ancestry (Hal Bradley)
- Societies and journals:
- English Episcopal Acta (British Academy)
A more complete listing of recent volumes is available on the
University Press website
- Surrey Archaeological Collections (Surrey Archaeological Society)
From volume 90 (2003), abstracts and articles (as PDF files) are
freely available through the Archaeology
Data Service
- Sussex Archaeological Collections (Sussex Archaeological Society)
From volume 137 (1999), abstracts and articles (as PDF files) are
freely available through the Archaeology
Data Service
- City Livery Companies:
Worshipful Company of Loriners
26 June 2005:
New material
I'm very grateful to Douglas Hickling for permission to reproduce here
his article entitled Which
John de Mowbray was the Brother of Christiana de Plumpton?,
setting out the evidence about Christiana and her three husbands,
John Scot, Richard de Emeldon and Sir William de Plumpton, and discussing in
detail the identification of her brother, John de Mowbray.
New links
- Brief guide to medieval English genealogy:
- Chronology and dating:
Hampson, R. T.,
Medii aevi kalendarium; or Dates, charters, and customs of the middle ages;
with kalendars from the tenth to the fifteenth century; and an alphabetical digest
of obsolete names of days; forming a glossary of the dates of the middle ages;
with tables and other aids for ascertaining dates
(Medieval and Modern Thought Text Digitization Project,
Stanford University)
A very detailed older [1841] work, available online as a PDF file
(possibly including only one of the two volumes) - extremely large download (192 MB)
- Medieval source material on the Internet:
- Some internet libraries:
Medieval and Modern Thought Text Digitization Project
(Stanford University)
Includes some very useful material, but only as PDF files containing whole volumes,
so most will be accessible only to those with fast Internet connections.
- Medieval texts:
- Jean Froissart,
Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries,
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II. to the coronation of Henry IV.
(Susan Rhoads, Elfinspell)
Text of the English translation by Thomas Johnes (1848), in progress;
with an Introduction
by the transcriber
- Chroniques de Froissart ... par J. A. Buchon
(Medieval and Modern Thought Text Digitization Project,
Stanford University)
Edition not stated (15 vols). Presumably another edition of Buchon's modern French translation.
PDF files - large downloads (20 MB per volume)
- The Annals of Roger de Hoveden
Comprising The History of England and of Other Countries of Europe
from A.D. 732 to A.D. 1201. (Susan Rhoads, Elfinspell)
Text of the English translation of Henry T. Riley [1853], in progress
- Matthew Paris
- Matthew Paris's English history from the year 1235 to 1273
(Medieval and Modern Thought Text Digitization Project,
Stanford University)
English translation by the Rev J. A. Giles (3 vols [1852-1854]).
PDF files - large downloads (26 MB and more per volume)
- Matthaei Parisiensis, monachi Sancti Albani, Chronica majora, and Liber Additamentorum
(Medieval and Modern Thought Text Digitization Project,
Stanford University)
Latin text from the edition of Henry Richards Luard
(Rolls Series 57, vols 1-7; 1872-1883).
PDF format - very large downloads (34-60 MB per volume)
- Matthaei Parisiensis, monachi Sancti Albani, Historia Anglorum: sive, ut vulgo dicitur, Historia minor
(Medieval and Modern Thought Text Digitization Project,
Stanford University)
Latin text from the edition of Sir Frederic Madden
(Rolls Series 44, vols 1-3; 1866, 1869).
PDF format - large downloads (25-34 MB per volume)
- Monumenta franciscana
(gallica; Bibliothèque Nationale de
France; numbers for "Recherche libre" field: N050147, N050148)
PDF format; Latin texts from the edition of J. S. Brewer
and Richard Howlett (Rolls Series 4, vols 1 and 2; 1858, 1882)
(Also available at the Medieval
and Modern Thought Text Digitization Project, Stanford University,
as a very large (37 MB) PDF file)
- Modern biography and prosopography:
List of the Knights of the Garter
(François R. Velde, Heraldica)
Composite list from secondary sources, with a few biographical details
- Miscellaneous: Schools, Universities and Inns of Court
M. R. James, descriptive catalogues of manuscripts in the libraries of Cambridge Colleges
(Medieval and Modern Thought Text Digitization Project,
Stanford University). PDF files.
- A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of Jesus College, Cambridge [1895]
- Supplement to the catalogue of manuscripts in the library of Gonville and Caius College [1914]
- The Western manuscripts in the library of Emmanuel College. A descriptive catalogue [1904]
- A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of Trinity Hall [1907]
- The western manuscripts in the library of Trinity college, Cambridge. A descriptive catalogue
(3 vols [1900-1904])
Caution - extremely large downloads of more than 100 MB for the first two volumes
- A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge
(2 vols [1909-1913])
Caution - large downloads of about 30 MB per volume
- A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of Jesus College, Cambridge [1895]
- Victoria County History:
- Latton (draft text on VCH Wiltshire website)
- The articles on religious houses from the following volumes
(British History Online)
- Shropshire, volume 2
- Rutland, volume 1
- Essex, volume 2
- Durham, volume 2
- Monumental brasses on the Internet:
- Katherine Franckleyn
(1552): Sturry, Kent (inscription; rubbing and discussion)
(Monumental Brass Society, Brass of the Month, June 2005)
- Links:
- Societies and journals:
Northamptonshire Record Society
Includes a list of publications still in print
24 May 2005:
New links
- Brief guide to medieval English genealogy:
- Miscellaneous sources: Urban and guild records:
list of livery company histories (British Library)
Includes details of more than a hundred volumes
- Medieval source material on the Internet:
- History:
- Dorothy Hughes, ed.,
Illustrations of Chaucer’s England
English translations of documents from various sources relating to England in the late 14th century
- Lynn H. Nelson, Lectures in Medieval History
(University of Kansas)
- Miscellaneous: Urban and guild records:
- Calendar of letter-books of the city of London (British History Online)
A: 1275-1298
B: 1275-1312
G: 1352-1374
H: 1375-1399
I: 1400-1422
K: Henry VI [1422-1461]
L: Edward IV-Henry VII [1461-1509]
English abstracts, from the editions of Reginald R. Sharpe (1899-1912).
Miscellaneous records, including recognizances of debts, deeds etc.
- Calendar of the plea and memoranda rolls of the city of London (British History Online)
Volume 1: 1323-1364
Volume 2: 1364-1381
Volume 3: 1381-1412
English abstracts, from the editions of A. H. Thomas (1926-1932).
- Miscellaneous: Private letters and papers:
The Kraus Collection of Sir Francis Drake
(Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Library of Congress)
Images of manuscript, printed and other material relating to
Drakes voyages to the Americas, 1577-1580; various languages
- Victoria County History:
- The articles on religious houses from the following volumes
(British History Online)
- Hampshire, volume 2
- Huntingdonshire, volume 1
- Kent, volume 2
- Lancashire, volume 2
- Leicestershire, volume 2
- Norfolk, volume 2
- Surrey, volume 2
- Sussex, volume 2
- Warwickshire, volume 2
- Worcestershire, volume 2
- Yorkshire (General), volume 3
- Monumental brasses on the Internet:
- Sir John Clerk (1539):
Thame, Oxfordshire
(rubbing, photographs and discussion)
(Monumental Brass Society, Brass of the month for April 2005)
- The Monumental Church Brasses of Thurrock (Thurrock Local History Society)
- Daniel Caldwail (? Caldwell) (1634): Horndon-on-the-Hill, Essex
- Cicilye Owen (1603): Chadwell-St-Mary, Essex
- Medieval English families on the Internet:
- Ismay
Medieval Records (Dave Nixon, Ismay One Name Study)
References from the patent rolls and other sources to ten 15th-century Ismays,
most with maritime connections
- Links:
- City Livery Companies:
- Worshipful Company of Brewers
- Worshipful Company of Firefighters
For older additions, see: