Medieval English genealogy: updates: 25 June 2024

This page contains brief details of the latest batch of updates to the site, and includes newly added and updated links. For brief details of these and older additions - without links, to make site maintenance easier - see the what's new page.

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New material

A note, "Who did 'Lambert Simnel' claim to be?", has been added, summarising the contemporary and nearly contemporary evidence about the claimed identity of the pretender of 1487. This was written in response to the recent book by Philippa Langley and collaborators, which argues that the pretender claimed to be - and really was - King Edward V, rather than Edward, Earl of Warwick, as conventionally believed.

The following items have been added in the Corrections and additions to the Complete Peerage section:

I am grateful to Jim Poynor for sending me photographs of another medieval document:

New links

Updated links