What's new on this site: July-September 2010

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update page.
14 August 2010:
New material
I'm most grateful to Mrs Katharine Hanna for a further instalment of early Hampshire feet of fines - this time from the reign of Henry III
- CP 25/1/203/4 and
CP 25/1/203/5 (part), covering the period 1218-1228.
In the Feet of Fines section, abstracts of fines for Lincolnshire (1376-1399) (535 fines) have been added.
New links
A brief guide to medieval English genealogy:
Published works, bibliographies and indexes:
- George W. Marshall, The Genealogist's Guide. (4th edition, 1903) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Public records: Domesday Book:
- Henry Ellis A General Introduction to Domesday Book ... Volume 1. (1833) (Google Books)
- Henry Ellis, A General Introduction to Domesday Book ... Volume 2. (1833) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Miscellaneous sources:
- Charles Gross, The Gild Merchant: a contribution to British Municipal History. Volume 2. (1890) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Handwriting and language:
- Transcription and Translation of Old and Historic Documents (Transcription Services Ltd)
Service offering transcription and translation of documents written in English, Latin and French.
Medieval source material on the Internet:
Medieval and early modern texts: by author, O-Z:
- Augustus Le Prevost, ed., Orderici Vitalis Angligenae, Coenobii Uticensis Monachi, Historiae Ecclesiasticae Libri Tredecim. Volume 1. (1838) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Latin text, with notes in French.
- Augustus Le Prevost, ed., Orderici Vitalis Angligenae, Coenobii Uticensis Monachi, Historiae Ecclesiasticae Libri Tredecim. Volume 2. (1840) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Latin text, with notes in French.
- Augustus Le Prevost, ed., Orderici Vitalis Angligenae, Coenobii Uticensis Monachi, Historiae Ecclesiasticae Libri Tredecim. Volume 4. (1852) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Latin text, with notes in French.
- Augustus Le Prevost, ed., Orderici Vitalis Angligenae, Coenobii Uticensis Monachi, Historiae Ecclesiasticae Libri Tredecim. Volume 5. (1855) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Latin text, with notes in French.
- Henry Thomas Riley, ed., Gesta Abbatum Monasterii S. Albani, a Thoma Walsingham, regnante Ricardo Secundo, ejusdem ecclesiae praecentore, compilata. (1867) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Latin text. Volume 1 of 3, covering 793-1290.
- Roger of Wendover, Flowers of history: comprising the history of England from the descent of the Saxons to A.D. 1235, formerly ascribed to Matthew Paris. Volume 2. (1849) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
English translation by J. A. Giles.
- Benjamin Thorpe, ed., [Florence of Worcester] Florentii Wigorniensis monachi Chronicon ex chronicis ... (1848) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Latin text. Volume 1 of 2, covering 450-1099.
- Abbot [Francis Aidan] Gasquet, Henry VIII and the English Monasteries. (1906) (Internet Archive - Text Archive))
- Sharon Turner, The history of the Anglo-Saxons from the earliest period to the Norman Conquest, volume 1. (1852) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- Sharon Turner, The history of the Anglo-Saxons from the earliest period to the Norman Conquest, volume 2. (1852) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- Sharon Turner, The history of the Anglo-Saxons from the earliest period to the Norman Conquest, volume 3. (1852) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
County and local history:
- J[oseph] T[illey], The Old Halls, Manors, and Families of Derbyshire. Volume 1. (1892) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- J[oseph] T[illey], The Old Halls, Manors, and Families of Derbyshire. Volume 2. (1893) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- J[oseph] T[illey], The Old Halls, Manors, and Families of Derbyshire. Volume 3. (1899) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- John Pym Yeatman, The Feudal History of the County of Derby: (Chiefly during the 11th, 12th, and 13th Centuries). Volume 1, Section 1. [1886] (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- John Pym Yeatman, The Feudal History of the County of Derby: (Chiefly during the 11th, 12th, and 13th Centuries). Volume 2, Section 3. (1889) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- John Pym Yeatman, The Feudal History of the County of Derby: (Chiefly during the 11th, 12th, and 13th Centuries). Volume 2, Section 4. (1890) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- Thomas Wright, The History and Antiquities of the town of Ludlow and its Ancient Castle. (1826) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Public records: Land taxes and feudal surveys:
- John Pym Yeatman, The Domesday Book for the County of Derby. Reprinted from "The Feudal History of the County of Derby," ... [1886] (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
English translation.
- Domesday Book or the Great Survey of England of William the Conqueror A.D. 1086. Fac-simile of the part relating to Essex (1862) (Google Books)
- Domesday Book or the Great Survey of England of William the Conqueror A.D. 1086. Fac-simile of the part relating to Norfolk. (1862) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- Domesday Book or the Great Survey of England of William the Conqueror A.D. 1086. Fac-simile of the part relating to Suffolk. (1863) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Public records: Inquisitions post mortem:
- Sidney J. Madge, ed., Abstracts of Inquisitiones Post Mortem for Gloucestershire returned into the court of Chancery during the Plantagenet period. Part 4. 20 Henry III to 29 Edward I. 1236-1300. (1903) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
British Record Society, volume 30.
- W. P. W. Phillimore and George S. Fry, eds, Abstracts of Gloucestershire Inquisitiones Post Mortem returned into the court of Chancery in the reign of King Charles I. Part 1. 1-11 Charles I. 1625-1636. (1893) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
British Record Society, volume 9.
- W. P. W. Phillimore and George S. Fry, eds, Abstracts of Gloucestershire Inquisitiones Post Mortem returned into the court of Chancery in the reign of King Charles I. Part 2. 12-18 Charles I. 1637-1642. (1895) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
British Record Society, volume 13.
- William Langton, ed., Abstracts of inquisitions post mortem made by Christopher Towneley and Roger Dodsworth. Volume 1. (1875) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Chetham Society, volume 95. Latin abstracts of Lancashire inquisitions, covering 1423-1637.
- Edw. Alex. Fry, ed, Abstracts of Wiltshire Inquisitiones Post Mortem, returned into the court of Chancery in the reigns of Henry III, Edward I, and Edward II. A.D. 1242-1326. (1908) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
British Record Society, volume 37. English abstracts.
- Ethel Stokes, Abstracts of Wiltshire Inquisitiones Post Mortem returned into the court of Chancery in the reign of King Edward III. A.D. 1327-1377. (1914) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
British Record Society, volume 48. English abstracts.
Public records: Miscellaneous public records:
- Sir Harris Nicolas, ed., Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council of England. Volume 3. [1422-1429] (1834) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
French and Latin transcripts.
- Sir Harris Nicolas, ed., Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council of England. Volume 5. [1436-1443] (1835) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
English and Latin transcripts.
- Sir Harris Nicolas, ed., Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council of England. Volume 6. [1443-1461] (1837) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Mainly English transcripts.
- Newbattle Abbey: [Cosmo Innes, ed.] Registrum S. Marie de Neubotle. Abbacie Cisterciensis Beate Virginis de Neubotle Chartarium Vetus. Accedit appendix cartarum originalium. 1140-1528. (1849) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Bannatyne Club, 89.
Probate records:
- [J. C. Hodgson, ed.] Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham. Part 3. (1906) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Surtees Society, volume 112. Abstracts of selected wills, 1543-1602.
- [James Raine, ed.] Testamenta Eboracensia or Wills Registered at York ... from the year MCCC. downwards. Part 1, (1836) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Surtees Society, volume 4. Latin transcripts of selected wills, 1316-1430; indexed in part 2.
- Index of wills in the York Registry 1389-1514. (1889) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Yorkshire Archaeological and Topographical Association, Record Series volume 6.
- Index of wills in the York Registry 1389-1514. (1889) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Yorkshire Archaeological and Topographical Association, Record Series volume 6.
- Index of wills in the York Registry A.D. 1514-1553. (1891) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Yorkshire Archaeological and Topographical Association, Record Series volume 11.
- Index of wills, administrations, and probate acts, in the York Registry, A.D. 1660 to 1665. And also of the unregistered wills and the probate acts, Aug. 1, 1633, to July 31, 1634... (1913) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Yorkshire Archaeological Society, Record Series volume 49. Also includes "Re Infecta" wills and the wills in Bundles A and B.
Church records and religious houses:
- William Oliver Roper, ed., Materials for the history of the church of Lancaster. Volume 2. (1894) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Chetham Society, new series, number 31. Volume 2 of 4. Second and concluding part of a Latin transcript of the cartulary of Lancaster Priory.
- W. H. Bliss, ed., Calendar of Entries in the Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland. Petitions to the Pope. Volume 1. A.D. 1342-1419. (1896) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- [William Page, ed.,] The Certificates of the Commissioners appointed to survey the Chantries, Guilds, Hospitals, etc., in the county of York. Part 1. (1894) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Surtees Society, volume 91.
Heralds' Visitations and the College of Arms:
- The visitation of Lancashire and a part of Cheshire: made in the twenty-fourth year of the reign of King Henry the Eighth, A.D. 1533. Part 2. (1882) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Chetham Society, Old Series, volume 110.
- F. R. Raines, ed., The visitation of the county palatine of Lancaster, made in the year 1613, ... (1871) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Chetham Society, Old Series 82.
- F. R. Raines, ed., The Visitation of the County Palatine of Lancaster, made in the year 1664-5, ... Part 2. (1872) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Chetham Society, volume 85. Covers surnames Eyves-Oldham.
- F. R. Raines, ed., The Visitation of the County Palatine of Lancaster, made in the year 1664-5, ... Part 3. (1873) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Chetham Society, volume 88. Covers surnames Osbadleston-Worthington and includes an index to all three parts.
- Joseph Jackson Howard, ed., The visitation of Suffolke, made ... 1561, with additions from family documents, original wills, Jermyn, Davy and other MSS., &c. Volume 1. (1866) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Urban and guild records:
- John Stuart, ed., Extracts from the council register of the burgh of Aberdeen. 1398-1570. (1844) (Internet Archive)
- John Stuart, ed., Extracts from the council register of the burgh of Aberdeen. 1570-1625. Volume 2. (1848) (Internet Archive)
- John Stuart, ed., Extracts from the council register of the burgh of Aberdeen. 1625-1642. (1871) (Google Books)
Scottish Burgh Records Society, number 8.
- John Stuart, ed., Extracts from the council register of the burgh of Aberdeen. 1643-1747. (1872) (Internet Archive)
Private letters and papers:
- Calendar of the manuscripts of the Marquis of Bath preserved at Longleat, Wiltshire. Volumes 1-3. (1904-1908) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- Report on the manuscripts of His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry ... preserved at Drumlanrig Castle. Volumes 1 and 2. (1897, 1903) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- Report on the manuscripts of the Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry, ... preserved at Montagu House, Whitehall. Volumes 1 and 2. (1899) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- Henry Ellis, Original letters illustrative of English history; including numerous royal letters: from autographs in the British Museum, and one or two other collections. Second edition, volume 2. (1825) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- Henry Ellis, Original letters illustrative of English history; including numerous royal letters: from autographs in the British Museum, and one or two other collections. Second edition, volume 3. (1825) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- Henry Ellis, Original letters illustrative of English history; including numerous royal letters: from autographs in the British Museum, and one or two other collections. Second series, volume 1. (1827) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- Henry Ellis, Original letters illustrative of English history; including numerous royal letters: from autographs in the British Museum, and one or two other collections. Second series, volume 3. (1827) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- Henry Ellis, Original letters illustrative of English history; including numerous royal letters: from autographs in the British Museum, and one or two other collections. Second series, volume 4. (1827) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- Henry Ellis, Original letters illustrative of English history; including numerous royal letters: from autographs in the British Museum, the State Paper Office [etc] ... Third series, volume 1. (1846) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- Henry Ellis, Original letters illustrative of English history; including numerous royal letters: from autographs in the British Museum, the State Paper Office [etc] ... Third series, volume 3. (1846) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- Report on the manuscripts of the Marquis of Ormonde, K.P., preserved at The Castle, Kilkenny. Volume 1. (1895) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
One version also includes volume 2 and the index.
- The Manuscripts of the Marquis of Ormonde, The Earl of Fingall, the Corporations of Waterford, Galway, etc. (1885) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- The Manuscripts of the Marquis of Ormonde, The Earl of Fingall, the Corporations of Waterford, Galway, etc. (1885) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- Index to volumes I and II of the report ... on the manuscripts of the Marquis of Ormonde, K.P., preserved at the Castle, Kilkenny. (1909) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- The Manuscripts of His Grace the Duke of Rutland, K.G., preserved at Belvoir Castle. Volume 2. (1889) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- The Manuscripts of His Grace the Duke of Rutland, K.G., preserved at Belvoir Castle. Volume 3. (1894) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
One version also includes volume 4.
- William Jerdan, Rutland Papers. Original documents illustrative of the courts and times of Henry VII and Henry VIII. Selected from the private archives of His Grace the Duke of Rutland. (1842) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Camden Society, Old Series, 21.
Medieval English families on the Internet:
- Mrs. Napier [Sophia Elizabeth] Higgins, The Bernards of Abington and Nether Winchendon. Volume 2. (1903) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- Mrs. Napier [Sophia Elizabeth] Higgins, The Bernards of Abington and Nether Winchendon. Volume 3. (1904) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- Mrs. Napier [Sophia Elizabeth] Higgins, The Bernards of Abington and Nether Winchendon. Volume 4. (1904) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- The Countess of Warwick, Warwick Castle and its earls from Saxon times to the present day. Volume 2. (1903) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Links to some useful societies and journals:
- The Ancestor, number 1. (April 1902) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- The Ancestor, number 2. (July 1902) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- The Ancestor, number 3. (October 1902) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- The Ancestor, number 5. (April 1903) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- The Ancestor, number 6. (July 1903) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- The Ancestor, number 7. (October 1903) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- The Ancestor, number 8. (Jan 1904) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- The Ancestor, number 9. (April 1904) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- The Ancestor, number 10. (July 1904) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- The Ancestor, number 11. (October 1904) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- The Ancestor, number 12. (January 1905) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Victoria County History:
British History Online:
- Oxfordshire, volume 14 (2004) (British History Online)
- Oxfordshire, volume 15 (2006) (British History Online)
VCH county websites:
- Carhampton (VCH Somerset website)
For older additions, see: