What's new on this site: January-March 2009

For more details, with links, of the latest batch of updates, see the
update page.
23 February 2009:
New material
In the Feet of Fines section, abstracts of fines for Leicestershire (1369-1509) (416 fines) and Nottinghamshire (1359-1389) (166 fines) have been added.
New links
A brief guide to medieval English genealogy:
Handwriting and language:
- Peter S. Baker, The Electronic Introduction to Old English (2003) (Richard Rawlinson Center for Anglo-Saxon Studies and Manuscript Research, Western Michigan University)
A guide to Anglo-Saxon grammar, designed to be used in conjunction with the The Old English Aerobics Anthology and the Old English Aerobics Glossary on the University of Virginia website.
Medieval source material on the Internet:
- William Camden, Britannia (1607) (Dana F. Sutton, University of California, Irvine)
Latin text, in parallel with the English translation of Philemon Holland, with additional notes.
Public records: Land taxes and feudal surveys:
- Inquisitions and assessments relating to feudal aids; with other analogous documents preserved in the Public Record Office. A.D. 1284-1431. Volume 5. (1908) (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
- Liber feodorum. The book of fees commonly called Testa de Nevill, ... part 1. A.D. 1198-1242. (1920) (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
Latin transcripts.
- Liber feodorum. The book of fees commonly called Testa de Nevill, ... part 2. A.D. 1242-1293 and Appendix. (1923) (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
Latin transcripts.
- Liber feodorum. The book of fees commonly called Testa de Nevill, ... [part 3] Index. (1931) (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
Latin transcripts.
- Hubert Hall, ed., The Red Book of the Exchequer. Part 1. (1896) (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
Rolls Series, number 99. Latin transcript. Scutages and barons' charters.
- Hubert Hall, ed., The Red Book of the Exchequer. Part 2. (1896) (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
Rolls Series, number 99. Latin transcript. Serjeanties, knights' fees, abstracts of pipe rolls, 1154-62, wards, farms of counties etc.
- Hubert Hall, ed., The Red Book of the Exchequer. Part 3. (1896) (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
Rolls Series, number 99. Latin transcript. Miscellaneous.
- John Horace Round, ed., Rotuli de dominabus et pueris et puellis de xii comitatibus [1185] (1913) (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
Pipe Roll Society, volume 35. Latin transcript.
Public records: Inquisitions post mortem:
- Calendar of inquisitions post mortem and other analogous documents preserved in the Public Record Office ... volume 8. Edward III. [1336-1347] (1913) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Pages 380-771 only.
- [J. Caley and J. Bayley, eds,] Calendarium inquisitionum post mortem sive escaetarum ... volume 1. [1216-1327] (1806) (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
Record Commission. Lists, including brief details of property. Superseded by subsequent calendars.
- [J. Caley and J. Bayley, eds,] Calendarium inquisitionum post mortem sive escaetarum ... volume 2. [1327-1377] (1808) (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
Record Commission. Lists, including brief details of property. Superseded by subsequent calendars.
- [J. Caley and J. Bayley, eds,] Calendarium inquisitionum post mortem sive escaetarum ... volume 3. [1377-1413] (1821) (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
Record Commission. Lists, including brief details of property. Superseded by subsequent calendars.
- [J. Caley and J. Bayley, eds,] Calendarium inquisitionum post mortem sive escaetarum ... volume 4. [1413-1485] and Appendix [1216-1625] (1828) (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
Record Commission. Lists, including brief details of property. Superseded by subsequent calendars.
Public records: Common law records:
- Sir Francis Palgrave, ed., Rotuli Curiae Regis ... volume 1. From the sixth year of King Richard I to the accession of King John. [1194-1199] (1835) (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
Record commission. Latin transcripts, in record type.
- Sir Francis Palgrave, ed., Rotuli Curiae Regis ... volume 2. The first year of King John. [1199-1200] (1835) (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
Record commission. Latin transcripts, in record type.
- Curia regis rolls of the reigns of Richard I and John. ... [volume 1] Richard I to 2 John. [1189-1201] (1922) (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
Latin transcripts.
- Curia regis rolls of the reigns of Richard I and John. ... [volume 2] 3-5 John. [1201-1203] (1925) (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
Latin transcripts.
- Curia regis rolls of the reigns of Richard I and John. ... [volume 3] 5-7 John. [1203-1205] (1926) (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
Latin transcripts.
- Curia regis rolls of the reigns of Richard I and John. ... [volume 4] 7-8 John. [1205-1206] (1929) (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
Latin transcripts.
- Curia regis rolls of the reigns of Richard I and John. ... [volume 5] 8-10 John. [1207-1209] (1931) (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
Latin transcripts.
- Curia regis rolls of the reigns of Richard I and John. ... [volume 6] 11-14 John. [1210-1212] (1932) (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
Latin transcripts.
- Curia regis rolls of the reigns of Richard I and John. ... [volume 7] 15-16 John [1213-1215]. Appendix: 7 Richard I-1 John [1196-1199]. (1935) (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
Latin transcripts.
- Curia regis rolls of the reign of Henry III. ... [volume 8] 3-4 Henry III. [1219-1220] (1938) (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
Latin transcripts.
- Curia regis rolls of the reign of Henry III. ... [volume 9] 4 and 5 Henry III. [1220] (1952) (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
Latin transcripts.
- Curia regis rolls of the reign of Henry III. ... [volume 10] 5 and 6 Henry III. [1221-1222] (1949) (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
Latin transcripts.
Public records: Feet of fines:
- The Berks, Bucks and Oxon Archaeological Journal, volume 19 (1913) (Archaeology Data Service)
Public records: Chancery rolls:
- Close rolls of the reign of Henry III preserved in the Public Record Office ... A.D. 1231-1234. (1905) (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
Latin transcripts.
- Thomas Duffus Hardy, ed., Rotuli Normanniae in Turri Londinensi Asservati, Johanne et Henrico Quinto Angliae Regibus. Volume 1 [1200-1205, 1417] (1835) (Google Book Search)
Latin transcripts in record type.
- Calendar of various chancery rolls: supplementary close rolls, Welsh rolls, scutage rolls. A.D. 1277-1326. (1912) (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
English abstracts.
- Rotuli Parliamentorum; ut et petitiones et placita in parliamento ... volume 1 [1272-1327] [1783] (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
Latin and French transcripts.
- Rotuli Parliamentorum; ut et petitiones et placita in parliamento ... volume 2 [1327-1377] [1783] (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
Latin and French transcripts.
- Rotuli Parliamentorum; ut et petitiones et placita in parliamento ... volume 3 [1377-1399] [1783] (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
Latin and French transcripts.
- Rotuli Parliamentorum; ut et petitiones et placita in parliamento ... volume 4 [1413-1439] [1783] (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
Latin and French transcripts.
- Rotuli Parliamentorum; ut et petitiones et placita in parliamento ... volume 5 [1439-1472] [1783] (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
Latin and French transcripts.
- Rotuli Parliamentorum; ut et petitiones et placita in parliamento ... volume 6 [1472-1504] and Rolls of Parliament, to Supply the Deficiencies in the Journals of the House of Lords [1513-1553]. [1783 and 1771] (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
Latin and French transcripts.
Heralds' Visitations and the College of Arms:
- J. L. Vivian, The Visitations of the County of Devon, ... 1531, 1564. and 1620. A-G. With additions ... [1895] (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
- J. L. Vivian, The Visitations of the County of Devon, ... 1531, 1564. and 1620. H-Z. With additions ... [1895] (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
- Brig.-General Bulwer, ed., The Visitation of Norfolk in the year 1563 ... Volume 2. (1895) (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
- George William Marshall, ed., The Visitations of the County of Nottingham In the Years 1569 and 1614, with many other descents of the same county. (1871) (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
- Sir Samuel Rush Meyrick, ed., Heraldic Visitations of Wales and Part of the Marches between the years 1586 and 1613, ... by Lewys Dwnn ... volume 1. (1846) (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
- Sir Samuel Rush Meyrick, ed., Heraldic Visitations of Wales and Part of the Marches between the years 1586 and 1613, ... by Lewys Dwnn ... volume 2. (1846) (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University)
Medieval (and early modern) armorials:
- James Greenstreet, ed., The Original Camden Roll of Arms (1882) (Google Book Search)
Journal of the British Archaeological Association, volume 38, pages 309-328 (1882). Introduction and transcript.
Links to some useful societies and journals:
- Transactions of the Berkshire Archaeological and Architectural Society for 1879-1882 (as PDF files) are freely available through the Archaeology Data Service
- Berks, Bucks, and Oxon Archaeological Journal volumes 1-34 (as PDF files) are being made available through the Archaeology Data Service
- Berkshire Archaeological Journal volumes 35-76 (as PDF files) are being made available through the Archaeology Data Service
- Society Of Antiquaries Of Scotland Monograph Series , vols 1, 2, 6-10 (Archaeology Data Service)
PDF files
The City Livery Companies:
Victoria County History:
British History Online:
- Wiltshire, volume 4 (1959)
- Wiltshire, volume 10 (1975)
VCH county websites:
- Institutional histories (VCH Essex website)
- Introduction to Heytesbury and South Damerham hundreds (VCH Wiltshire website)
Google Book Search:
- Worcestershire, volume 2 (1906) (Google Book Search)
Internet Archive:
- Dorset, volume 2 (1908) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- Dorset, volume 3 (1968) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- Durham, volume 3 (1928) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- London, volume 1 (1909) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- Norfolk, volume 2 (1906) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- Northamptonshire, volume 1 (1902) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- Northamptonshire, volume 2 (1906) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- Northamptonshire, volume 3 (1930) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- Northamptonshire, volume 4 (1937) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- Rutland, volume 1 (1908) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- Suffolk, volume 1 (1911) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- Sussex, volume 1 (1905) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
For older additions, see: