What's new on this site: October-December 2011

For more details, with links, of the latest batch of updates, see the
update page.
19 December 2011:
New material
In the Feet of Fines section, abstracts of fines for Worcestershire (1356-1421) (180 fines) and Divers, Various and Unknown Counties (1358-1381, with some earlier) (352 fines) have been added.
Links to images of the original feet of fines on the Anglo-American Legal Tradition website have also been added for: Worcestershire (1356-1461) and Divers, Various and Unknown Counties (1358-1509, with some earlier).
I am very grateful to William Johnston, who has sent me details of a plea between Giles de Argentein and Nicholas, son of Roger, in Easter term 1252 [KB 26/146, rot. 1; available at the AALT website]. This provides additional evidence about the ancestry of Giles's grandfather, Reynold de Argentein, and in particular about the position of Guy, son of Tieca, in the pedigree. I have added a note on this new evidence here.
In the page on Chronology and dating in the Guide section, some comments about the dating of Exchequer documents have been added.
I have added some further discussion of the Charter of Eleanor de Lyston for Richard and Ellen de Strelleye, 1335, which Jim Poynor was kind enough to send me photographs of earlier this year. This discussion, concerning the descent of the manor of Woodborough, the genealogy of the Liston family and the associated heraldry, is based almost entirely on information generously provided by Tony Ingham. I am very grateful to him for his tireless efforts in discovering evidence relating to this problem.
New links
Medieval source material on the Internet:
County and local history:
- Langham [Rutland] Village History Group
Includes a translation of the manorial court rolls for 1486-1546 and a detailed list of historical source material.
Modern biography and prosopography:
- The History of Parliament Online
Currently includes the text of published biographies of members of parliament for 1386-1421, 1509-1603 and 1660-1820, together with topographical material (in the constituencies section) and surveys of parliamentary history in different periods.
Public records: Land taxes and feudal surveys:
- Stacey Grimaldi, ed., Rotuli de dominabus et pueris et puellis in XII comitatibus ... 1185. (1830) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Latin transcript.
Public records: Inquisitions post mortem:
- Calendar of inquisitions post mortem and other analogous documents preserved in the Public Record Office. Henry VII. Volume 2. (1915) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Public records: Pipe rolls:
- [J. Hunter, ed.] Rotulus Cancellarii, vel Antigraphum Magni Rotuli Pipae, de tertio anno regni Regis Johannis [1200-1201]. (1833)
Latin transcript, in record type. The Chancellor's Roll was a copy of the Pipe Roll sent to the Chancery.
- The Pipe-Rolls, or Sheriff's Annual Accounts of the Revenues of the Crown for the counties of Cumberland, Westmorland, and Durham, during the reigns of Henry I. [II], Richard I., and John. (1847) (Google Books)
Latin transcripts, in record type.
- Thomas Stapleton, ed., Magni rotuli scaccarii Normanniae. Volume 1. (1840) (Google Books)
Latin transcript in record type, with lengthy "observations".
Public records: Common law records:
- [W. Illingworth, ed.,] Placitorum in domo capitulari Westmonasteriensi asservatorum abbrevatio. (1811) (Google Books)
Latin abstracts, in record type, of pleas in the king's bench, 1272-1422, and common pleas, 1272-1290, and other pleas.
Public records: Chancery rolls:
- Thomas Duffus Hardy, ed. Rotuli de Oblatis et Finibus in Turri Londinensi asservati, tempore Regis Johannis [1199-1216]. (1835) (Google Books)
Latin transcripts, in record type.
- Calendar of Inquisitions Miscellaneous (Chancery) ... volume 2. (1916) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- T. Duffus Hardy, ed., Rotuli de Liberate ac de Misis et Praestitis, regnante Johanne. (1844) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Latin transcripts, in record type.
- Calendar of the liberate rolls ... Henry III. Volume 1. A.D. 1226-1240. (1916) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
English abstracts.
- Joseph Hunter, ed., Rotuli selecti ad res Anglicas et Hibernicas spectantes ... (1834) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Latin transcripts in record type of the patent roll, 7 John, original writ and return of all discharges of debt, etc., granted by the Irish exchequer, Henry V and Henry VI, and six rolls of pleas de terris datis et occupatis, etc., Henry III.
Public records: Miscellaneous public records:
- [Benjamin Thorpe] Appendix B to a report on Rymer's Foedera by Charles Purton Cooper. ([1869]) (Google Books)
- Charles Purton Cooper, A chronological catalogue of The Materials transcribed for the new edition of the Foedera. (1869) (Google Books)
Appendix E of Cooper's report on Rymer's Foedera. Abstracts in English. Pages 1-160 only, covering 1343-1576.
- Thomas Duffus Hardy, Syllabus (in English) of the documents relating to England and other kingdoms contained in the collection known as "Rymer's Foedera." Volume 1. 1066-1377. (1869) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- Thomas Duffus Hardy, Syllabus (in English) of the documents relating to England and other kingdoms contained in the collection known as "Rymer's Foedera."; Volume 2. 1377-1654. (1873) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Probate records:
- Cheltenham Probate Abstracts 1660-1740 (National Wills Index, Origins Network/Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society)
Index, searchable by subscribers, to Cheltenham wills, administrations and inventories proved in the Consistory Court of the bishop of Gloucester.
- Hertfordshire Wills Index 1415-1857 (National Wills Index, Origins Network)
Index, searchable by subscribers, to wills, administrations and inventories in the Archdeaconry of Huntingdon (Hitchin Division) court, 1557-1857, and the Archdeaconry of St Albans court, 1415-1857. Digital copies of the documents can also be ordered through Origins Network.
- Reginald R. Sharpe, ed., Calendar of Wills proved and enrolled in the Court of Husting, London, A.D. 1258-A.D. 1688. Part I. A.D. 1258-A.D. 1358. (1889) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- Reginald R. Sharpe, ed., Calendar of Wills proved and enrolled in the Court of Husting, London, A.D. 1258-A.D. 1688. Part II. A.D. 1358-A.D. 1688. (1890) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Heralds' Visitations and the College of Arms:
- Joseph Foster, ed., Pedigrees Recorded at the Heralds' Visitations of the Counties of Cumberland and Westmorland ... in 1615, and ... in 1666. [1891] (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- Joseph Foster, ed., Pedigrees recorded at the visitations of the county palatine of Durham ... in 1575, ... in 1615, and ... in 1666. (1887) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- John Fetherston, ed., The visitation of the county of Leicester in the year 1619. (1870) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- Walter C. Metcalfe, ed., The Visitation of the County of Lincoln In 1562-4. (1881) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- Walter C. Metcalfe, ed., The Visitation of the County of Lincoln, 1592. (1882) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Bound with Metcalfe's edition of the 1562-4 visitation. The 1592 visitation starts at p. 319.
- A. R. Maddison, ed., Lincolnshire Pedigrees. Volume 1. (1902) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Harleian Society Publications, volume 50, from the manuscripts of Arthur Staunton Larken.
- A. R. Maddison, ed., Lincolnshire Pedigrees. Volume 2. (1903) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Harleian Society Publications, volume 51, from the manuscripts of Arthur Staunton Larken.
- A. R. Maddison, ed., Lincolnshire Pedigrees. Volume 3. (1904) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Harleian Society Publications, volume 52, from the manuscripts of Arthur Staunton Larken.
- A. R. Maddison, ed., Lincolnshire Pedigrees. Volume 4. (1906) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Harleian Society Publications, volume 55, from the manuscripts of Arthur Staunton Larken.
- The visitation of Middlesex, began in the year 1663. (1820) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- Joseph Foster, Pedigrees of the county families of Yorkshire. Volume 2 - West Riding. (1874) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
- Joseph Foster, Pedigrees of the county families of Yorkshire. Volume 3 - North and East Riding. (1874) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Victoria County History:
VCH county websites:
- Creed (VCH Cornwall website)
- Launceston (VCH Cornwall website)
- St Dennis (VCH Cornwall website)
- St Mary Magdalene (VCH Cornwall website)
- St Stephen by Launceston (VCH Cornwall website)
- St Stephen in Brannel (VCH Cornwall website)
- St Thomas by Launceston (VCH Cornwall website)
- Barlborough (VCH Derbyshire website)
- Clowne (VCH Derbyshire website)
- Elmton (VCH Derbyshire website)
- Glapwell (VCH Derbyshire website)
- Sunderland (VCH Durham website)
- Bosbury (VCH Herefordshire website)
- Eastnor (VCH Herefordshire website)
- Corby (VCH Northamptonshire website)
- Nettlebed (VCH Oxfordshire website)
Other County Histories:
- Joseph Nicolson and Richard Burn, The History and Antiquities of the Counties of Westmorland and Cumberland. Volume 2. (1777) (Google Books)
- Thomas Westcote (edited by the Rev. George Oliver and Pitman Jones), A view of Devonshire in MDCXXX, with a pedigree of most of its gentry. (1845) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
For older additions, see: