[Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, vol. 28, pp. 380-419 (1926)
Electronic text and additional notes kindly provided by David Hepworth
HTML version by Chris Phillips]


he "weded also the doughter of Balderstone," and that of 1612 gives him one wife only, Margaret Barderston.

He had two children, John and Isabel.

1405, Aug. 10. - Grant for life to the King's knight, John Luttilbury, of the Wapentake of Strafford, with all fees, etc., as John Sayvel, knt., deceased, lately had it (Patent Roll Cal., 1405-8, p. 56).

1405, Aug. 10. - Grant to William de Holand of the office of Master Forester of Ayrendon and Sowerbyshire (ibid., p. 50).

HENRY SAVILLE, 9.B., was the second son of Sir John, 8.A.

1375, Easter. - Fine between Henry Sayville of Rishworth, plaintiff, and William Smyth of Newall and Isabel his wife, defor苞iants, of a messuage and lands and 10s. rent in Crosland; to hold to Henry and his heirs (Record Series, vol. 52, p. 185).

1391. - See below, Thomas, 9.C.

1395-6, Jan. 20. - See above, John, 8.A.

1397-8, 21 Richard II. - Henry, Duke of Hereford, took into his service Henry Savile, esq., to serve him in war and in peace, at the wages due to an esquire. After he was made king he granted Henry an annuity of £10 for life (Dodsworth MS. 117, fo. 159 b).

1401-2. - Aid in the Honour of Pontefract for marrying the King's eldest daughter. Henry Sayvill for one fourth of a knight's fee in Thornhill, formerly of John de Thornhill, 5s. (Duchy of Lan苞aster, Knights' Fees, bundle 1, no. 18, p. 151).

1403, Aug. 15. - Henry Sayville was on the Commission of Array for the West Riding (Patent Roll Cal., 1401-5, p. 284).

He died in 1412, having married Elizabeth, daughter and heir of Simon de Thornhill, by whom he left a son and heir, Thomas, and a younger son, Henry.

THOMAS SAVILLE, 9.C., serjeant at arms, was nearly related to the main line of the family, and was probably a younger son of Sir John, 8.A.

1375-6, Hilary. - Fine between Robert de Ursewyk, plaintiff, and Thomas Sayville and Elizabeth his wife, Edmund de Folifayt and Adam de Haywode, deforciants, of the manor of Braddesworth [? Brodsworth, near Doncaster], and of 13s. 4d. rent in Pontefract; to hold to Robert and his heirs. Release and warranty by Thomas and Elizabeth, Edmund, and Adam, for themselves and the heirs of Edmund (Record Series, vol. 52, p. 193).

1380, June 25. - Simon Flemyng of Almondebury to Thomas Sayville, the King's serjeant at arms, recognisance for 80 marks, to be levied, in default of payment, on his lands and chattels in Yorkshire (Close Roll Cal., 1377-81, p. 458).


1389. - Thomas Sayville was a serjeant at arms (Close Roll Cal., 1389-92, pp. 44, 79). He is also mentioned in 1390 and 1391 (ibid., pp. 150, 375).

1391. - Thomas Sayville, serjeant at arms, was one of the feoffees of Alexander Brown as to property in Wythyngton [Widdington, par. Little Ouseburn] and Nunnemonketon. Sir John Sayvylle and Henry Sayvylle were two of the witnesses (Close Roll Cal., 1389-92, pp. 316, 318).

1399 and 1401. - Thomas Seyville was on the Commission of the Peace for Warwickshire (Patent Roll Cal., 1399-1401, p. 565), and also on the Commission of Array for the same county (ibid., p. 210).

1400, Feb. 19. - Inspeximus and confirmation to Thomas Say赳ylle of letters patent dated July 19, 15 Richard II (1391), granting to him for life £21 13s. 4d. yearly (Patent Roll Cal., 1399-1401, p. 200).

Undated (1416). - To our most sovereign and most gracious Lord the King, prays your most humble liege esquire, Thomas Seyville of the County of York, that whereas the noble Lord, the Duke of York (whom God assoile) by his letters patent granted to your sup計liant for life the office of Master Forester of Aryngden, within the lordship of Sowerby in the said county, may it please your most gracious Lordship to ratify and confirm to the said suppliant by your gracious letters in due form, according to the purport of the said letters of the said Duke. Pur dieu et en oeuvre de charitee (Ancient Petitions, no. 11411).

John Saville, who was on the Commission of Array in Warwick貞hire in 1403 (Patent Roll Cal., p. 286), may have been his son.

JOHN SAVILLE, 10.A., son and heir of Sir John, 9.A. If we may trust to a very confused note of Dodsworth's, he was under age at the time of his father's death in 1405, which would place the date of his birth as later than 1384.

John Sayvell (son of John Sayvell, knt., the younger, son of John Sayvell, knt., the elder) was during his minority seized into the hands of John de Heton for his wardship and marriage, because his father died seised of Bothomhall and in the service of the said John de Heton; which John Sayvell died without issue, and the property descended to Isabel his sister, who was seized by the said John de Heton, as above. She also died without issue, and so the inheritance descended to Henry, brother and heir to John Savile, knight, the younger, and from Henry to his son Thomas; etc. (Dodsworth MS. 117, fo. 155).

I think this must be the John Saville of Shelley named in the


will of Sir John, 8.A., in 1399 (see above), but no relationship is stated.

I have no further information about this John. He is said to have married Isabel, daughter of Sir William Fitzwilliam, and to have died without issue. His heir was his sister Isabel, said to have married Thomas Darcy; she also died without issue. If Dodsworth's statement, cited above, is correct, viz., that Henry Saville succeeded on Isabel's death, then both John and Isabel died before 1412.

This really ends my task, but I take the opportunity of placing on record three notes as to Sir Thomas Saville of Elland, Thornhill, etc. (see Mr. Clay's article, p. 6), and several thirteenth and four負eenth century references to various Savilles whom I cannot place in the pedigree.

1416, June 29. - Confirmation to Thomas Seyvile of Thornhill of his appointment by Edward, late Duke of York, dated May 22, 2 Henry V (1414), as Master Forester of Aryngden in Sowerby, for life (Patent Roll Cal., 1416-22, p. 38).

1423, June 25. - Fine between Isabel widow of John Sayville, knt., and Thomas Sayvylle of Thornhill, esq., plaintiffs, and Thomas Eland, son and heir of Robert Eland of Carlynghaowe, deforciant, of 20 messuages and lands in Eland, South Owrom, Ryssheworth, Bothomley, Bersland, Gretland, Steynland, Northland and Hyperhom, and a moiety of the manor of Tankersley. Release to Isabel and Thomas and the heirs of Thomas; they gave Thomas Eland 500 marks (Feet of Fines, case 28, file 155, no. 3). The identity of this Isabel is doubtful. I think she was probably Isabel Radcliffe, widow of Sir John, 9.A.

1425. - Thomas Sayvell holds the manor of Grenehall in Thornell, late of Brian de Thornell, and pays yearly 10s. Free rents of the Honour of Pontefract (Duchy of Lancaster, Misc. Book 106, fo. 4).

1298, Michaelmas Term. - John son of Peter de Arches and James de Saville sued William de Bateley and Dionisia his wife in a plea of land; and John son of Peter de Smetheton [Smeaton] and James de Seyville sued the same defendants, also in a plea of land (De Banco, Mich. 26-7 Edw. I, m. 51, 144). I have no further information about this case, but the land was no doubt in Smeaton (see below, Ralph, 1335).

1321, Martinmas. - Richard Saivel of Thurgerland witnessed a lease of the manor of Denby by Richard son of Sir John de Thornhill (Lord Savile's deeds, Record Series, vol. 50, p. 62).


1335, Easter Term. - Ralph de Seyville of Little Smetheton v. Isabel de Arches of Little Smetheton, John de Arches of the same, and Robert de Arches of Kirk Smetheton, for disseising him of two parts [thirds] of a messuage, a bovate and 2 acres of land in Little Smetheton. John says that he claims no interest in the property. Isabel and Robert say that the property is only a messuage and a bovate of land less 2 acres, and that the whole of it was in the seisin of one Herbert de Arches, who gave it to one Herbert son of Herbert and the heirs of his body, with reversion to the said Herbert de Arches and his heirs; from which Herbert son of Herbert issued one Adam, who died without heir of his body, and whose wife now holds 1/3 thereof in dower; from Adam the said two parts reverted to Her苑ert de Arches as the donor, and from him descended to William as son and heir, and from William to Isabel, Margery, and Dionisia as daughters and heirs; from Isabel her share descended to one James as son and heir, and from James to the plaintiff as son and heir; Margery's share descended to one Isabel as daughter and heir, and from her to one John as son and heir, who is not named in the writ; Dionisia's share descended to Isabel the defendant and one Mabel as daughters and heirs, and from Mabel to Robert the defendant, as son and heir; the John who is not named and the plaintiff are seised of their shares together with the others, and at their wish (pro voluntate sua) they claim judgment whether Ralph ought to have an assize as to the whole of the two parts. Adjourned to Trinity Term. Jury (De Banco, East. 9 Edw. III, m. 23d.).

This involved story requires a pedigree to make it clear.

                  Herbert de Arches, = .....
                   the donor.        |
              |                             |
              |                             |
            Herbert; = .....           William; son = .....
                     |                              |
           ? 2nd son.|                 and heir.    |
                     |                              |
                     |                              |
                     |                              |
         ____________|       _______________________|_______________
         |                   |                    |                 |
         |                   |                    |                 |
       Adam; dead = wife,   Isabel.= .....     Margery.= .....    Dionisia.= .....
                                   |                   |                   |
        1335, s.p.  living         | Saville.          |                   |
                                   |                   |                   |
                    1335.          |                   |                   |
                                   |                   |                   |
             ______________________|    _______________|   ________________| 
             |                          |                  |            |
             |                          |                  |            |
          James de = .....            Isabel. = .....   Isabel        Mabel.= .....
                   |                          |                             |
          Saville; |                          |         de Arches;          |
                   |                          |                             |
         dead 1335.|                          |         deft. 1335.         |
                   |                          |                             |
           ________|                  ________|            _________________| 
           |                          |                    |
           |                          |                    |
        Ralph de Saville;           John;               Robert de Arches;
        plaintiff 1335.             living 1335.        deft. 1335.

1337-8. - Fine between Roger de Thornton, plaintiff, and Adam de Bollyng, chaplain, deforciant, of the manors of Thornton and


Deneholme in Bradforddale; to hold to Roger for life; remainder to Robert son of John de Bollyng and Elizabeth his wife and the heirs of their bodies; remainders to two sons and a daughter of Thomas de Thornton; remainder to Adam son of John de Sayvill of Farnley and the heirs male of his body; remainder to the right heirs of Roger (Record Series, vol. 42, p. 126).

1356. - Robert del Skyrys of Wombwell sued John Sayville of Chickenley and Maude his wife, Adam Sayville of Chickenley and Agnes his wife, John son of James de Thurgerland, and Ralph de Wodhall, for novel disseisin of property in Wombwell and Holand near Wynteworth [Upper or Nether Hoyland, near Barnsley] (Assize Roll 1130, m. 4).

1356-7, Hilary. - Robert de Wombwell, merchant, sued John Sayville of Chekynlay for a debt of £20 (De Banco, Hil. 30 Edw. III, m. 123).

1362, Michaelmas. - Presentment before Thomas Clarell, the Coroner, that Robert son of James de Hunshelf, Adam son of John Sayvill of Chikynlay, and Thomas Flecok, son of Thomas Sayvill, feloniously killed Robert son of Robert de Skyres of Wombewell, and that John Sayvill of Chikynlay and Maude his wife, Agnes wife of the said Adam, John son of John Sayvill, chaplain, and Agnes daughter of John de Skires, aided and abetted. Robert, Adam and John were dead, and had not been convicted (Coram Rege, Mich. 36 Edw. III, m. 17 Rex).

1377, March 1. - Will of Henry Sayvill; to be buried at Huddersfield; mentions sons John and Thomas and daughters Joan and Alice; no property or place of residence mentioned; proved April 7 following (Halifax Wills, vol. 2, p. 215).

[To be concluded.]