[Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, vol. 25, pp. 1-47 (1920)
Electronic text and additional notes kindly provided by David Hepworth
HTML version by Chris Phillips]


[PAGES 22-28]

Mar. 3d, Dorothy, who had great legacies in her husband's will.

IV. SIR GEORGE SAVILE, of Barrowby, after of Thornhill, created a Baronet 29 June, 1611; High Sheriff of York貞hire 1613; of St. John's College, Oxford; M.P. Boroughbridge 1586-87; Yorkshire 1592; succeeded to the great Savile estates on the death of his cousin, Edward Savile, 1603, by settlement; died 12, bur. 19 Nov., 1622, at Thornhill (Reg.); M.I.; Adm. 21 Dec., 1622 (Act Book); mar. 1st, Mary, daughter of George Talbot, 6th Earl of Shrews苑ury, who brought Rufford as her dowry. They had issue -

Mar. 2ly, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Edward Ayscough, of South Kelsey, co. Linc., by Hester, daughter of Thomas Grantham, widow of George Savile, of Stanley; lic. 1596; bur. 25 Jan., 1625-6, Horbury (Reg.).

Will. - 4th Oct., 1625. In the name of God, Amen. I, Dame Elizabeth Sauile of Lupsett, widowe, calling to mynd the uncertaintie of this mortall life, beeing in perfect memorie doe make and ordaine this my last will, first I committ my selfe wholie bodie and soule into the handes of the Almightie, by whose exceeding grat mercie and favour through the death of his sonne our onlie Saviour Jesus Christ, I doe asuredlie beleeue and am certainlie persuaded by the testimonie of the holie spirit being witnes thereof from tyme to tyme to my conscience that I am one of the number of the faithfull and elect children of God. For my bodie when it shall please God to parte the same from my soule I will that it shall bee buried


in the Chappell of Horburie if I die at Lupsett, or if not there at the discrecion of my frende and executor. I demise £40 of lawful money to be paid to 16 governors appointed by Decree by virtue of a Commission with the towne and parish of Wakefield, to be employed towards a stocke for setting in work such poor people in the said town and parish as are able to work, or for the yearly releefe of such poore as are not able to work. Whereas Sr. George Sauile, Knt. and Bart., my deceased husband, have heretofore made a lease to Henrie S., our 2nd son, of all that mess. called the Parsonage House in Wakefield, and of tithes of corn and hay I confirm the same. I give my daughter, Margaret S., £1,500 to be paid at 21 by my said son, Henry S., out of the profits of the rectories of Calverley, Cottingham and Bardsey, and moiety of the Rec負ory of Ottley. I give to Henrie S., my son, and his heirs the said Rectories and moiety. To my sister Sauile of Wath one saluer, being double gilt with gold, and used for sucke with the cover thereof. To every one of my friends whose names are written in a paper made for that purpose, a ring of gold as is mentioned, with some posie grauen in everie one of them, for a remembrance of my love to them. I will £100 to be bestowed upon a tomb for a memorial of Sr. George S., Kt. and Bart., my late husband, and I desire the same tomb be placed in the church of Thornhill as near where his corps lye interred. The residue of all my goods I give to my son Henrie, whom I make my executor. In presence of Xpofer Naylor, Gilbte. Barrett, and Henrie Savile.

Codicil. - 14 Oct., 1625. I give my son, John S., Esq., towards the furthering of his house £100, to Mrs. Marie Pearsie, ser赳ant, £10, to Eliz. Pearsie, daughter of Henrie Pearsie, gent., my god-daughter. Whereas I bequeathed my daughter Margaret £1,500, if she die before she shall be married then the portion to be equally divided between my sons, John and Henrie S. Witness, Henrie S. Proved 21 March, 1625 (Reg. Test., xxx, 350).

They had issue -

V. SIR GEORGE SAVILE, Knt., of Thornhill; born 1583; died v.p., bur. 24 Aug., 1614, Thornhill (Reg.); M.I.

Will. - 20 July, 1612. George Savile of Soothill, knt., to be buried in Thornhill church or where my wife pleaseth. I give


her all my claim in the milnes of Wakefeild, Horbury, Numiller Dame, my right in the tythes of Wakefeild, Warmfeild, Heath, the ould parke of Wakefeild, the newe parke of Wakefeild, Ouchthorpe, Wrenthorpe, Deusbury, Soothill, Chidsell, Heaton, and Ossett. To my eldest son George all right in my landes in Thornehill, Soothill, Chidsell, Heaton, Darrington, Wentbrigge, Smeaton, Yorke, Emley, Thurston, Bothomhall, Golcer, Eland, Barrowbie, Hunsworth, except the Heath landes, to him and his heirs. I give him one ringe of gould set with diamondes in forme of a harte. To my seconde sonne William one annuytie of a hundreth poundes, and the little howse at Heath, and a ring wherein is sett a blewe saphire. If my wife have any other sonne I will he have one hundreth poundes by year, if a daughter I will she have at her mariage or at nyneteene yeares one thousand poundes. To my ever honored father, my most honorable uncle, the Earle of Shrews苑ury, my Ladie Grace Cavendish, Mrs. Jane Talbott, and my kind cosin, Gilbert Nevill of Grove, esquire, a gould ringe weighing twentie shillinges. To my aunt, Mrs. Vernon, and my cosen, Mrs. Hester Savile, to either tenn poundes in gould. I appoint George, Archbishop of Canterbury, my antient lovinge tutor in Oxford, Edward Talbott, Esquier, my uncle, Sir Thomas Wentworth, Knight, my brother in lawe, and Mr. Charles Greenwood, parson of Thornhill, my cosen, my executors, giving each a silver bowle. Proved ult. Apr., 1616, London (Cope, 34).

Mar. 1st, Sarah, daughter of John Rede, of Cotesbrooke, co. Northampton; bur. 16 Feb., 1604-5, Thornhill (Reg.); mar. 2ly, Anne, eldest daughter of Sir William Went趴orth, of Wentworth Woodhouse, sister of the Earl of Strafford, 14 Sept., 1607, at Wentworth; bapt. 11th July, 1591, St. Dunstan's in the West (Coll. Top. et Gen., v, 366); bur. 31 July, 1633, Thornhill (Reg.). They had issue -

VI. SIR WILLIAM SAVILE, 3d Bart., of Thornhill, succeeded his brother; mat. University College, Oxford, 8 Dec., 1626; of Gray's Inn, 1628; M.P. Yorkshire April to May, 1640; for Old Sarum; a Commander on the Royalist side; Governor of Sheffield 9 May, 1643, and of York; died there 24 Jan., bur. at Thornhill, 15 Feb., 1643-4 (Reg.); will 18 July, 1642, proved 21 Jan., 1643-44 (unregistered).

Will. - 18 July, 1642. To be buried (if with conveniency it may be) at Thornhill amongst my ancestors. Whereas on the


20 Nov., 1634, I being then by reason of fines and other assurances seized of an estate in fee simple of and in divers manors, lands, etc., in counties York, Nottm., Lincoln, Derby, Stafford, Oxon., Salop, Wilts., and co. of city of York, did by indenture of that date grant 2 thirds thereof to my brothers in law, John Coventry of Barton, co. Somst., esq., and Sir John Hare of Stow, co. Norf., knt., and my friends, Sir John Ramsden of Longley, co. York, knt., Sir Rd. Hutton of Hutton Pannell, co. York, knt., Fran. Nevile of Chivete, co. York, esq., Wm. Walter of Sarsden, co. Oxford, esq., Chas. Green趴ood, clk., rector of Thornhill aforesaid, and Henry Cooksonne, gent., my servant. To hold to them for 20 years upon the trusts therein declared. My will is that the said lease be for payment of my debts, and if it and my personalty be insuf苯icient for that purpose, my land and tithes in Craven to be sold, and my exors. to have power to demise for 21 years (reserving £5 rent per ann.) my manor of Hunsworth, and all my lands in Birstall, co. York. My most deare and louinge wife £500, and the best bed I have, and such a suit of hangings as she shall choose, and all the plate and jewels she commonly keepeth in her chamber or closet. Eldest son George all my arms both horse and foot. Daurs. Anne and Margt. £5,000 each at 18. Son Wm. £500 at 21. Son Henry £200 yearly for life out of my lands in Alton, co. Stafford, and £1,000 at 21. If my wife shall have a child before I make provision for it, I give it, if a son, £200 a year for life out of my lands in co. Derby, and £500 at 21; and if a daughter, £4,000 at 18. Each of my daurs. £120 per ann., till they have their portions, out of my lands in co. Derby. All my children to be bred in such place as my exors. shall think fit. John Coventry, esqr., and the rest of my friends named with me in this my will as parties to lease of 20 Nov., 1634 (living at my death), £30 each. Servants 2 years' wages each, except those to whom I leave annuities. List of annuities set down in a separate paper, to be paid out of my lands and milnes in Denby, Claiton, and Inburchworth during the several lives of the persons to whom I give same. Henry Allen to have the land he now is in pos貞ession of, part of my demesne of Thornhill, until my son Geo. is 21, paying for the same £200 per ann., and not ploughing any part of the ground the last 3 years of his term. [N.B. - The whole will appears to be in the testator's own handwriting, and in the margin here he puts: "Md. that I doe not meane he shall by this bargaine have the 20 loades of hay I now pay him, but I meane that he enioy the closes knowen by the name of Britan closes and Gelder closes."] I give my wards their marriages, except His Majesty's ward, Wm. Savile, "to whom I entreat my executores to be verry kind, and if he doe well to give him the least halfe of his wife's portion." Friends Sr. Thos. Danby, Sr. Ingram Hopton, John Vauhan of the Inner Temple, esq., and Captaine Tho. Beamount, £20 each and a horse out of my stable. My honourable kinswoman, the Countess of Kent, £50. My faithful friend, John Selden, esq., £50. £100 to be bestowed in rings and given to my friends in remembrance of me. Wife and friends, Sr. John Ramsden, Sr. Rd. Hutton, Fran. Nevile, esq., exors. My exors. to take (if the Mr. of the Wardes be so pleased) the wardship of my son. To each of my exors. £40, and the running of 6 horses


in any of my parks until my son shall attain 21. Witnesses, Chas. Grenewoode, W. Armitage, George Cartwright, Willm. Denison, Tho. Beaumont, John Batte, and Joseph Sill. Proved 21 Jan., 1643, in the house of John Savile in York, before Philip Broome, M.A., surrogate, by Lady Anne Savill, Sir John Ramsden, Sir Rd. Hutton, power being reserved for Francis Nevile.

List of annuities to be paid out of my lands and milnes in Denby, Claiton, and Inburchworth, co. York. John Batt of Okwell, esq., £20. Thos. Farran, gent., my servant, £20. Joseph Sill of Thornhill, gent., £20. Robt. Bladen, my ser赳ant, 20 marks. Geo. Cartwright, Tho. Colbrand, Tho. Raulines, my servants, 20 nobles each. Tho. Addy, my ser赳ant, and his wife, and the survivor, 20 nobles. Joseph Sikes, John Milner, my servants, 5 marks each.

Codicil. - 1 Jan., 1643. "Upon perusall of my will made the 18th of July, 1643, findinge that I haue made noe pro赳ision for the maintenance of my sonne Wm. duringe his minority," and I have settled the inheritance of Barroby and the rest of my lands in co. Linc, on him. I hereby give to him the manor and advowson of Barroby and all other my lands in co. Linc., and because this cannot take effect during my wife's life in case she stand to her jointure, therefore I give my said son Wm. £100 yearly during his mother's life out of all my manors, etc., in co. Salop, with power of distress in default of payment. But if my wife do take to her thirds and waive her jointure, then this rent charge to cease. Sir Paul Nele to have as I have devised (sic) to Sr. Ingram Hopton. Mr. Robt. Butler £10. Witnesses, Jo. Cosin, Robert Butler, Tho. fferrand, Sam. Jackson, Paul Neile, J. Monckton.

Mar. Anne, daughter of Thomas, 1st Lord Coventry; she was with her husband at Sheffield, and had a child there during the siege; she remar. Sir Thomas Chicheley, of Whimple, co. Cambridge, and was bur. there circa 1661.1 They had issue -

1 See her life, by Dr. Barwick (G.E.C.).



VII. SIR GEORGE SAVILE, 4th Bart.; created 13 Jan., 1668, Baron Savile of Eland and Viscount Halifax; 16 July, 1677, Earl of Halifax; 17 Aug., 1682, Marquess of Halifax, the eminent Statesman (see his life and letters by H. C. Foxcroft, and Dict. of Nat. Biog.); bapt. 28 Nov., 1633, Thornhill (Reg.); bur. 11 April, 1695, in Westminster Abbey.

Will. - 17 Mar., 1691. George, marquesse of Halifax. "I am not sollicitous to chuse my grave, neither do put any weight upon the being buryed where I was borne, yet not to appear singular I am content in case I shall happen to dye at Rufford or in Yorkshire, to be carryed to Thornhill, there to lye amongst my ancestors; if I shall dye in London I desire to be buried at Westminster, but wherever I shall be putt into the ground my will is that the ceremony of it may be performed with noe greater expence than must in strict de苞ency be thrown away upon me." To my dear wife one thou貞and pounds, her jewels, chamber plate, or other plate upon which her coat of arms only shall be engraved, with the usual furniture belonging to any one room in my house at London at her choice, and I give her the terme of the house in St. James Square, now possessed by my son William, Lord Eland. To my wife my house, gardens, etc., purchased by me in the name of Sir Thomas Clergis, in Acton, with all that belongith me in Acton, and the use of all the furniture, and after her decease to my son Wm., Lord Eland, and his heirs. I give her all the lands in Crich with the profits of the lead mines for her life. My will is that as touching all my lands not included in the settlement made on the marriage of my son, Lord Eland, I give the same to my son and his heirs, and for want of issue to my daughter Stanhop, my intention being that my daughters of the half blood shall not hinder her from inheriting in course as is above directed. My son, Lord Eland, sole exor.

Codicil. - 19 Nov., 1693. I give my godson, George Savile, son of the present rector of Thornhill, £1,000 towards his education and support that he may be the better qualified to enjoy a considerable part of my estate which I have settled upon him by deed in case my son William, Lord Eland, should die without issue male.

Codicil. - 4 April, 1695. To my wife £500. To my cousin, Henry Savile, £100. To the poor of St. James' £100, and £100 amongst the poor French Protestants. To the Governors of the Hospital of King James in Charter House, at the charges of Thomas Sutton, Esq., of which I have been for some years a Governor, £100. To servants, Thos. Medhurst £100, John Gregory £100, and to the rest a year's wages. John Nicholls and Nathaniel Champion £10 yearly. To Mr. John Conyers £20 for a ring. To my steward, Theophilus Shelton, £10 for ring. My will is to be buried in the Abby church of West衫inster with as little ceremony as may be. Proved 17 April, 1695, by his son (Irby, 57).