What's new on this site: July-September 2020

For more details, with links, of the latest batch of updates, see the
update page.
27 September 2020:
New material
I am very grateful to Stephen Swailes for contributing further brief abstracts of 14th-century Northamptonshire coroners' inquests, taken from the coroners' rolls JUST 2/109, 117B and 118 (covering various dates between 1320 and 1379), with an introduction and notes on each roll.
I am also very grateful to Stephen for contributing brief extracts of Northamptonshire entries from 19 Gaol delivery kalendars, files and rolls from the JUST 3 series, covering various dates between 1351 and 1430.
New links
Medieval source material on the Internet:
Medieval and early modern texts: by author, O-Z:
- Wykes: Chronicon vulgo dictum chronicon Thomae Wykes (A.D. 1066-1289) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Latin text from the edition of Henry Richards Luard (Rolls Series 36, volume 4; 1869). For index in volume 5, see under "Annals" in Anonymous section.
Medieval and early modern texts: by place name:
- Bermondsey: Annales monasterii de Bermundeseia (A.D. 1042-1291) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Latin text from the edition of Henry Richards Luard (Rolls Series 36, volume 3; 1866). For index in volume 5, see under "Annals" in Anonymous section.
- Dunstable: Annales prioratus de Dunstaplia (A.D. 1-1297) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Latin text from the edition of Henry Richards Luard (Rolls Series 36, volume 3; 1866). For index in volume 5, see under "Annals" in Anonymous section.
- Oseney: Annales monasterii de Oseneia (A.D. 1016-1297) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Latin text from the edition of Henry Richards Luard (Rolls Series 36, volume 4; 1869). For index in volume 5, see under "Annals" in Anonymous section.
- Waverley: Annales monasterii de Waverleia (A.D. 1-1291) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Latin text from the edition of Henry Richards Luard (Rolls Series 36, volume 2; 1865). For index in volume 5, see under "Annals" in Anonymous section.
- Winchester: Annales monasterii de Wintonia (A.D. 519-1277) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Latin text from the edition of Henry Richards Luard (Rolls Series 36, volume 2; 1865). For index in volume 5, see under "Annals" in Anonymous section.
- Worcester: Annales prioratus de Wigornia (A.D. 1-1377) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Latin text from the edition of Henry Richards Luard (Rolls Series 36, volume 4; 1869). For index in volume 5, see under "Annals" in Anonymous section.
Medieval and early modern texts: by subject:
- Annals: Annales Monastici: Index (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Rolls Series 36, volume 5 (1869). Contains an index to the annals in volumes 1-4, from Margan, Tewkesbury, Burton, Winchester, Waverley, Dunstable, Bermondsey, Oseney and Worcester. See the Place name section for the individual texts.
County and local history:
- Leicestershire: University of Leicester Special Collections
The University of Leicester Special Collections section contains a number of published sources for Leicestershire history.
Modern biography and prosopography:
- London: Medieval Londoners (Fordham University)
Includes a searchable database of residents of London between c. 1100 and 1520, in progress.
Church records and religious houses:
- [J. T. Fowler, ed.] Memorials of the Church of SS. Peter and Wilfrid, Ripon. Volume 1. (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Surtees Society, volume 74 (1882). Mainly Latin transcripts from chronicles and miscellaneous sources.
- Memorials of the Church of SS. Peter and Wilfrid, Ripon. Volume 2. (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Surtees Society, volume 78 (1886). Extracts from Yorks registers, 1230-1538, and an annotated list of clergy, c. 1260-1886.
- Memorials of the Church of SS. Peter and Wilfrid, Ripon. Volume 3. (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Surtees Society, volume 81 (1888). Fabric rolls, 1354-1542, treasurers' rolls, 1401-85, chamberlains' rolls and accounts, 1401-1560, and other later records.
- Memorials of the Church of SS. Peter and Wilfrid, Ripon. Volume 4. (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Surtees Society, volume 115 (1908). Miscellaneous records, including part of a cartulary, 1114-1322.
- Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Medieval Graffiti Survey
- Hampshire Churches Medieval Graffiti Survey
- Lincolnshire Medieval and Historic Graffiti Survey
- Wiltshire Medieval Graffiti Survey
- Worcestershire Historic Graffiti Project
For older additions, see: