What's new on this site: January-March 2023

For more details, with links, of the latest batch of updates, see the
update page.
29 March 2023:
New material
I am very grateful to Francis Howcutt for providing an Introduction and Indexes to Pedigrees compiled by Henry Isham Longden. The collection contains more than 2000 pedigrees, relating mainly to families connected with Northamptonshire, and is now held at Northamptonshire Record Office.
I am also very grateful to Stephen Swailes for several further contributions connected with medieval Northamptonshire genealogy:
- Further abstracts of Northamptonshire King's Bench Indictments, covering 1377-1399 (KB 9/168-182) and 1399-1413 (KB 9/183-202).
- A new section Extracts from the State Papers of Elizabeth I relating to Northamptonshire, with an Introduction and pages covering 1558-1570 (SP 12/51, 59, 67) and 1571-1580 (SP 12/80, 81, 86, 118).
- A new section Abstracts of Northamptonshire Assize Rolls, with an Introduction and pages for Henry V, 1413-1422 (JUST 1/1524) and Henry VI, 1422-1429 (JUST 1/1537).
- A list of Deserted villages and hamlets in Northamptonshire with an introduction, detailed notes and a bibliography.
Jim Poynor has kindly provided photographs of four more documents, together with transcripts of two of them, to be made available here:
- Indenture of sale, between Richarde Keable of East Mersea and John Potter of Langenhoe, of property in Abberton and Fingringhoe [Essex], 1595
- Surrender at a manorial court by John Hordorn, otherwise Corte, and Maud, his wife, of land in Gissing [Norfolk], 1479
- Indenture of sale, between John Conyworthe of Yardley and John Byrche of Shelfield, of land in Rushall [Staffordshire], 1579
- Grant by Edmund Tuttyll, Henry Rawlyn and Richard Rawlyn to William Stylle and Alice, his wife, of a messuage and garden in Swannington [Norfolk], 1554
New links
Medieval source material on the Internet:
County and local history:
- Northamptonshire: Deserted villages and hamlets in Northamptonshire (Stephen Swailes, this site)
This document provides an expanded list of 121 deserted villages and smaller settlements in Northamptonshire, with a brief description of each one, a summary of the reasons why villages were deserted and an outline of the sources used to identify them.
- Northamptonshire: Francis Howcutt, editor, Henry Isham Longden: Indexes to Pedigrees and associated notes (this site)
Over 2,000 pedigrees, mainly of families connected with Northamptonshire, were compiled by Rev. Henry Isham Longden and are now deposited at Northamptonshire Record Office. This paper consists of an introduction to the collection along with indexes, arranged by surname and by parish or place.
Public records: Common law records:
- Abstracts of Northamptonshire Assize Rolls (Stephen Swailes, this site)
Introduction and abstracts of 15th century assize rolls, with links to image on the Anglo-American Legal Tradition website.
Public records: Miscellaneous public records:
- Extracts from the State Papers of Elizabeth I relating to Northamptonshire (Stephen Swailes, this site)
Introduction and extracts covering 1558-1580 (from SP 12), with links to images on the Elizabethan State Papers Project pages on the Anglo-American Legal Tradition website.
- Indenture of sale, between Richarde Keable of East Mersea and John Potter of Langenhoe, of property in Abberton and Fingringhoe [Essex], 1595 (Jim Poynor, this site)
Photographs of document and seal, with a transcript.
- Surrender at a manorial court by John Hordorn, otherwise Corte, and Maud, his wife, of land in Gissing [Norfolk], 1479 (Jim Poynor, this site)
Photographs of document, with an abstract.
- Indenture of sale, between John Conyworthe of Yardley and John Byrche of Shelfield, of land in Rushall [Staffordshire], 1579 (Jim Poynor, this site)
Photographs of document and seal, with a transcript.
- Grant by Edmund Tuttyll, Henry Rawlyn and Richard Rawlyn to William Stylle and Alice, his wife, of a messuage and garden in Swannington [Norfolk], 1554 (Jim Poynor, this site)
Photographs of document, with an abstract.
Manorial records:
- Harleston [Northamptonshire]: Dorothy Willis, editor, The Estate Book of Henry de Bray of Harleston, co. Northants (c. 1289-1340) (1916) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Camden Society, third series, volume 27. Latin transcript of an account compiled by a small landowner of his estate. Includes a section of pedigrees.
Probate records:
- Canterbury, province of: J. Challenor Smith, Calendar of Lambeth Wills (14th-early 17th centuries) (Internet Archive - Text Archive)
Genealogist, new series, volumes 34 (1918) and 35 (1919). List, arranged alphabetically by surname, of wills from the registers of the archbishops of Canterbury, relating to various jurisdictions. With an introduction.A-BrunstedBranston-FarreFarre-LysterMachon-OteleyeOtery-Z
Church records and religious houses:
- Rev. Henry Isham Longden, Northamptonshire and Rutland Clergy From 1500. (15 volumes, 1938-1943) (FamilySearch)
Biographical notes on the clergy and associated people, arranged alphabetically by surname. Free registration is required.
For older additions, see: